place in High y..r a.ter the best Channel is the Middle one to take this Channel a. Boat ought to keep about the middle of the River as soon ns the Islands make their appearance-about 4 in the After noon we came to the Chickasaw Bluffs. At this place there is an American Station and Garrison on the Spanish Side is also a Garrison and two Block Houses-with a small settlemen~f about Twelve Houses-the Americans have the advantage of the Spaniards at this place being an elevated situation while the Spanish side is low and subject to overflow-after passing the American Garrison we came to a landing on the east side of the river keeping on the American Shore immediately after leaving the Blu:ffs-leaveing the Island to the Right Friday 24 the morning fine stood Down the River by Day light-- we this morning pass.d the flower Island leaveing it to the Right the flower Island is called the most Dangerous of any of the Islands in the River at low water its the first Island below the A[merican1] G[arrison] a Boat ought to pass this Island on the American Shore keeping the American side some miles down the River-its vere nec- essary above and below the Thousend Island for some miles to be careful of the many sucks and out letts to be met with in this part of the River into which n Boat is subject to be Drawn unless Great Care is taken to keep the ·largest Channell of the River-about Twelve 0 Clock we passed the River St. Frances at the mouth of this River the Mississippea makes a large Bend and is a bad place in the River even when the water is high and great Care ought to be taken to keep a boat under full head ,vay the Best Channe[l] at this Place is to leave the Island between the mouth of the River St Frances and the Mississippia to you Right-keeping as near on the sanclbarr to the left as possible we came to shore about 10 miles below the River St Frances on the American side about Sunsett after passing what is called the long reach • Saturday 25 the morning fine stood Down River on the American Shore River good about ten this morning we passed Point Serpea( 1) so Called in consequence of a Battle between a number of Illinois Barges and a Party of Indians Its a beutifull situation with about ten acres of Clea.rd land-but not any buildings- 12 0 Clock this afternoon passed a Battoe in from New Orleans Loaded with goods for Lance A La Grease the River verry crooked and a number of Islands and sand Barrs with an uncommon quantity of Drift Wood about Sundown came to land on Spanish shore with four Pittsburgh Boats-- Sunday 36--the River still filed with Islands and Drift wood with bad shore and Short Bends-about 10 0 Clock passed near the shore when the Bank gave way and a large Tree fell into the River-12
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