The Austin Papers, Vol. 1 Pt. 1

THE AUSTIN PAPERS; 71 Cape Geraclau about Day light·the Day"prov.d windy an·d raney was obliged to land about six miles below -Oape Le .Cruse where we lay untill 2 0 Clock at this place three Barges ,pass ,up the River .from Kentucky • Cape Le Cruse or Jugg Cape is' Rendered Dangerous-on act· of a Rock Barr on the American shore to which the Current setts so strong that to avoid being Driven-oil to the Rocks·its neces- sary to keep Close under the: Cape ·constantly .Rowing round. the Point untill you get well into the Bend. .·-English Island is -7 miles below Cape Le Cruse and must be p·ass.q. under theiAmerican·,shore the wind continuing to blow -and the Weather-Rainy I :was obliged to lay by all day-about 20 miles above -the,Ohio. • Friday 17. • The day proving favourable I got under ·way about day light & Run Down to .the·grand Berid when the wind together with the Back water from the Ohio retard".cl us so:much that we,was oblig.d to take up for the night about 8 n:i.iles above.the:Ohio ' this Day I pass five Barges and Canoes·bolmd up the River some:trading others families :Moving to the Spanish .Country-at the lower end of the Grand Bend you keep under the American··Shore leaving ari Island to the right hand Saturdo.y 18 Morning Stormy with wind.and rain left our moor- ings about 8 o Clock. vVind to • North -with rain· ·Buffalo Island leaving it to ·the right also Elk ·Island keeping the, Middle Channel on the American Side about 10 0 Clock passed the mouth of the Ohio-six or seven Barges and Perogue passed up the Missis.:. sippia this Day at sun down Came to shore under the joint of an Island about ten miles below the Iron ( ~) Banks Sunday 19 got under way about Day light 'but was obliged to make a landing about 10 0 Clock tho wind blowing a Tornado the whole Day from the South. Monday 20. the morning being favourable ran Down to Lance A la Graise and Came to shore about 10 0 Clock where I remained all Day in the Evening nine flatts·came down the Mississippia'for New Orleans the weather being stormy•wind, to the South I this Day Dined with the Commandant of this Ga.rrison·-its a· Spanish ·estab- lishment and next iri Consequence in this Country to St Louis • • Tuesday 21-the :Morning fine all the Boa.ts-stood .Down·the ·River a little before sun this Day came to the first high lands after leaving t.he Iron Banks called the· .•.. -.. atka Bluff a.nd late in 1 the afternoon passed a secont High Lands or Bluffs and Came :to -landing on the American side of an Isla.rid •• • • • Wednesday this day 22 passed nothing uncommon the river genJ erally good · Thursday 23•the :Morning fine 1 got ·under· wa.y· a, little before sun'. rise and about 12 0 : Clock icame to the Thousencl ·Islands · :at •this

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