The Austin Papers, Vol. 1 Pt. 1



Brule you pass an Island which you also keep on the Right hancl keeping under the A[merican] shore some time above the Island to avoid being Drawn in to the left by the Current-at the lower end of the Burnt"\Voods you pass an Island called [~ndecipherable] keeping it to.the left-about Sundown I arrived a.t five men which forms a large Eddy below which is a good landing place for :flatts on the Spanish Shore-:Monday 13 about 8 O'Clk this morning I left Cape five men the river is very good from this place until you come to the Grand Tower. .to pass this place with safety a Pilot is necessary or a man that understands the place Its not Improble that this has been a grand Barrer [barrier?] and that all the River above this place to St Louis has formed a La.rge ~ake the whole River is Drawn to a pass of about 1/4 of a mile there is a Rock in the River at this place about 100 feet in Diameter and sixty in Hight between which and the shore the water passes with uncommon Rapidity with a Bluf of Rocks on each [side] which appear to have formed a union at some former period what makes this place Dangerous for flatts there is an Island immediately below the Grand Tower which forms a strong suck to the American Shore and unless a Boat is well man.d nnd)mmediately bawls in und~r the Spanish Shore they may be Drawn in to the left of the_ Island which is Rendered Dangerous by the many Planters or Sawyers which are so strongly planted in the sands with the,small end up that if a Boat strikes one of them they seldom escape-about five in the Evening I passed what the Ameri- cans call Devils Island it formes a strate reach in the River of about three miles but is not Dangerous for :flatts you keep under the Span- ish shore above this Islnnd leaving the Island on the left about Sundown I lnnded with the boats at Cape Gerodau its safe [to] land .with flatts about half 1\1:ile above Thornes Landing-this Day passed Mr Scott-with whisky· 7'uesday 14 the Day being Stoi'my and one of-the hands being in the country I lay up all Day- ,-v ednesday-15 this Day i,rr Triggs Barge Passed up the River with whisky to the Saline .for.salt also a Indian Canoe with eight Indian and a Perogue with corn for apple Creek Mr King returned this<Evening from· Country but to·late to continue our journey this J;)ay, thif3 ~s a.Great ,Rendezvouse for Indians (at this time the Sha- wanah had the war _Flagg flying being at vVar with the 1\1essura In- dia~--,Cape Gerodau i~ beutifully situated.on tl1e Spal).ish side of the Mi~issippiµ, and _Co~ands a Delitefull prospect of the River both up ,an¢!.,D.own .,there _is-not;any _Fo~-t at this place but its subject to a Comman[d]ant who lives at the place-who judges all matters under Twenty·Dollars-Its about sixty miles below St Geneveeve or Kas- kaskea· and :forty above the :Mouth of the Ohio-Thursday.16 left

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