The Austin Papers, Vol. 1 Pt. 1



1800 5 Feb,.·

To 1000 nalls_______________________ 1. rs 2 files ------------------------------ 6 27 lbs Butter ---------------------- 1. 4. 6

nu· c-·· 12. 57 :124. 08

·3.15. 6-equalto_ To Am'· Invoice______________________ 37_ 7.1-equal to_ 'l'o 1 yt1· fustian________________________ 4. 6 G y<I•. Linen @ G-----------;------------ 1. 6

10 Apl. 2 Juue

2. 0/6 equaL__ 15 July To Invoice £41.4.5 equal t<>--'-----~-----~-----------.'.___ 'l'o Carro' Tabucco to Cartman to carry Goods_________ Augt , To 55! lbs Cheese-@ 25 Cents------.---------------- 10 Dec'· To 2½ yds Casshnere @ 26 ___ ... _________________ _______ _ 'l'o ln\'Oice this dnte-13.8.6____________________~------- 31 Dec'· •752 lbs ·pork @ 6 Cents___..,________.:____.:,_________·---~·--· 1801 22 Jan 715 lbs Do @ 6______________________________.;._____

6. 75 137.40 1. 13.87t 10. 84 . 44.75 '45_ 12


lGOl. 40 . 400 __

To negrO-----.----------------------------------., ___


N B Pelee Clothe 10 Dec'· 1soo___________________._____________;..} 39 26 yds@ 150 Cents..------------~-- -----------------~------- -

2040. 40

To Bill Pork_ l6__ Q__________________•-------------------------} . 1 , 47 66 To Bill Suger__31__(i(;__.:_____._________.:____________________,_______

$2088 6

D'· cu. 600 --

c·· By Mr Stephens N Norleans____________:__________________________ By Error in Invoice of 15 July 1800 4.13.2 equal to ________________ By Coopers B i l l _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ :_ ____________ .:_ _.;. ___________________ _

15.53 32 0

647 53 33

_By Discount on .Negrn__.------------------------- .---------

680 53 Balance Due_________________________________________ '1394 53

$2075 6

Glllon______ 40 Duvis_____ 65 Negro______ 150

2088-6 680-

$1408 6 Bnlll.nce

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