a.nd leaYes him in debt to the Company as appears by his books now in my Pos.setion more than 2000 Dolls which belongs to hi,s private Acct and to be charged as such besides this his private Acct in the books at the :t Mines more than 2000 Dollars also to be Acct for to me besides this there is small Acct') in the book to be charged him Acct of Cash pd, his Brother and Sisters in law but which now stands charged to them (Viz) Joseph Rebecca and Peggy Brown in a just settlement of all these things still a Large sum would be due me for against them there is no charge l\I A can possibly bring Except sum Small private Acct"in the L Mine Books as in the Richmond Books Everything was charged S A and C 0 • and in those Accts was settled who ever will take the trouble to Look at these Accts with these observations will be able to Judge with what Justice or pro.priety :M A should object to the whole _of the property at the L Mines being applyd, to the discharge of so Large a debt due me and which although I have credited at the Apprisment can by no means be turned into Money these Objections it must by All who are made acquainted with the Circumstances be Considered as improper and unjust when it is to be considered that every shilling that can now be Scraped up from the wreck of the affairs which M A left behind will not pay me ten shilling on the pound of the just balance due me from him I have made this remark not only for the perusal of ~I A and ,T A but as far as it may be Necessary to be made publick in case M .A or J A or any other person for him should persist in objecting to the Sale of Negroes and all other of the properties formerly belonging tc, the Company of 1\1 A and C•· but now the property of Charles Austin by Legal Sale mnde to him by me whose Sole legal Right to the property no power can anul or dispute as to M A holding the bill of Sales of the Negroes which was purchaced of Mr, Epps of Peters- burgh I need only observe that I now hold the Bond given :Mr, Epps for the Negroes every dollar of which I paid my self and have al- ways been in poss[es.s]ion of all of them untill I sold them for which M A has full Credit for his proportion of them in the Acct of MA and C 0 • within stated ns pr. Apprisement. • s AUSTIN A copy of the Original
Dr. Moses Austin in % with George & John Fisher. 1799 5t•. Dec•· To Amt. Invoice £313.7.0 v• equnl t o __ __ .:_______________ To Error In this Invoice £5.18.4i e9u_ol to _____ ,.. __ ,:. _____ .;._ Zl Deer· To A.mt. lnvoi~e ~20.4.9¼ equnl to-~--P--~---~-----------~
nu· cu. 1044. 50
19 73 07.4G
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