The Austin Papers, Vol. 1 Pt. 1



compared with the original for accuracy. It is to be regretted that all the Spanish, at least of Austin's writing, could not be translated; but that wns a task which want of time forbade the editor to under- take. The calendar of the Spanish documents was, howeYer~ pre- pared with especial fullness in the hope of making up, in a measure- able degree, for this deficiency. The editor's grateful acknowledgments are due to the custodians of the various collections mentioned above, especially to :Miss Stella :lYI. Drumm, of the J\fissouri Historical Society; to :Mrs. Mattie Austin Hatcher, of the History Department of the University of Texas for helpful suggestions and for locating Austin letters in the Bexar Archives; to two of his students, .Mr. Carlos E. Castaneda and Mr. William A. Whatley, who transcribed most of the documents and who by their accuracy, efficiency, and facility in the two idioms re- lieved him of much labor; to :lYirs. Emmett L. Perry for generous assistance in obtaining material; and to his wife, who assisted in the tedious labor of verifying copies. EUGENE C. BARKER. UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS, 1.1f ay 1, 19£0.

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