The Austin Papers, Vol. 1 Pt. 1



2 ox Carts £6___________________________ . ______________________ 1 Small Cart___--------------------------------------_________ Sundry Irons and tools on the place___________________________ Slaggs at JI'urnace and hill equal tol 12 Thousand pounds lead in pres- ---------------------------- ent state worth £18 thousand I '

12__0__0 3__0__0 20__0__0


Arnot- Brot. forward________•_______ .,!!____..:,___;.____________ £4G96 __ o __ o House and Lot in Lynchuburg__________________________________ 5QO __ o_ _ o 1 plantation Bot of N Bohanen_________________________________ 3QO __ o __ o 1 D 0 N Forbis__________________________________________________ 470__0__0 1 tract of Thomas Herbert_____________________________________ 120__0__0 Acct Standing Debts at Richmond } Acct standing Debts at Lead Mines --------------------------- Judgement ngniust Sharp and} Price with Interest untill pd --------------------------------- 337__9__0 This debt assigned to Col Gamble of Richm 4 A Judgement against Charles Lynch} Junr with Interest until pd· --------------------------- 12 0:.._o__o A Bond against Charles Lynch Junr } with Interest from 21 to 1797 in all -------------------------- 823 -- 0 --o A Debt due from l\lra· Collins who now } lives at Stafford Court House Virginia ----------------------- 20__0__0 A ~i:~ 1 ~ 1 ~~: from Payton and Price}---------------------------- • 56__3_-4 A :~~~n~ 0 :~:r:~ Elias Langham}------------------------------ A Bond of Joshua L Watress_______________} Elisha Price security with Interest from 87 ------------------- Jn° Stockdales note____________________________________________ A Bond on Gen Gunn__________________________________________ A Judgement on Rankins Bond_________________________________ 60__0__0 30__0__0 40__0__0 25__0__0

, Amount Brought forward__________________________________7664__2__11

A ;~~!:m;::do~nJ:~ ~~!:}---------------------------~------- £60 __ o_ _ o of Mr. Dougherty Stanton This debt assigned to Col Gamble


Austinville Jany 10 1801

DEAR UNCLE, I wrote you n few posts since in answer to your letter Since which I have got those Gent 0 • to Value the property Sold to me a copy of ,vhich I herein inclose you Mra· Austin and Moses are well and beg to be rememberd to her Sister and f1~iends, please present my best respects to all friends Yours with respect CHARLES AUSTIN [Rubric] James has not yet return'd but is expected C. A.

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