ness but .hope you -will .yet be well repaid for all your trouble, I should have wrote y.ou long since but as I supposed from the fre- quent communications from my father and Mr. J a•· Austin you were foformed of our proceedings ge.nerally in this Country. Your objec- tions as to the Sale of some of the property sold me by my father, I am sorry to hear of as I rested perfectly satisfied as to my right of all the Property and -Still shall as I am certain you must be much deceived as to the Value of the Property, by a letter from my father I am informed that you write by 'the appraisement of myself and Ju Austin the Property at the Lead ifines Amounts to 25,000 Dollars, as to myself I think I can with certainty say I never made such a Statement nor had such an Idea·, if Mr. James Austin did so I think you must have ·misunderstood :each other very much Indeed, I rely much on his judgment and integrity and as he has wrote his wife he intends going to your Country from Kentucky you will verbally re- ceive moi·e accurate information from him I should long before this have had all the Property Valued but on my own account rested easy, but for the better adjustment of·Accounts between yourself and my father I shall ·in -a few clays ha.ve all the Property valued by Mr. James McGarock, ;Sen\ :Mr! Hugh 1'foGarock, Mr. Joseph Kent and Capt. James- Newell . four persons in whom I place much con- fidence and who I think will do justice to both parties. I shall State to them (by the·direction of S. Austin) that the Property is to be valued at cash which he (S. A.) says ought to have been sold to dis- charge your assumset to him some time since. I have hereunto an- nexed a Statement of the most I think the Property would bring in the common way of Trade in this Country which can be compared with the balance due S.·Austin and Co. of Philad• by :Mosses Austin and Co. and S & M Austin of Virginia which I think will not be more than adequate to the·sum due; Since the adjustment of your accounts in Philad• with·my father-(with the interest which he may or may.not be inti~led to),he has -paid·a very considerable debt and advanced some money for this place. Should I have erred in any Statement ,I have made above or any opinion I have advanced, in the manner in which they are made, I beg to be corrected, my wish and most ernest desire is that no difference or litigation should take place in any bussiness I may have that h~s any relation to yourself. Since the 18 of J U11e last on my Lease for one Year of the Lead }lines, I have been pui.•suing the Bussiness with as much Prudence, caution and care as my moderate abillities has enabled me and fear at· the close of the ·year I shall barely be able to pay all ex- penses, I have not rais~d•,any ,ore-of ·consequence for many months, but the prospect holding good has prevented my abandoning some time back but since I have built a Slag I-Iourth which I erected at the Grist Mills notwithstandin 1 the quantrity •of water does not
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