The Austin Papers, Vol. 1 Pt. 1

THE AUSTIN PAPRRS. 57 I expect that in the Course of this month you will make up your promise toward me • Mr.. Pascal has· nothing· to Do but to receive present if you please my humble respects to :h,,fn. Austin and believe me ANT11l Som..uw

M. AusTIN TO LIEuTENAN'I' •GovERNOR DE LAssus ' . . .

A Don Carlos De Lassuse Leut, Colo 1

• et Leu'· Gouverner of St Louis

and its Dependances- Sr·_ . . . .

. . The Undersigned has the Honor to represent to You that he has made a den:iand of lfr. ..t~nto Soulard ·for his certificate of Survey. .Made at the Mine A Burton in May last but has been informed by the said-Ant 0 • Soulard that .the Certificate of Survey cannot be deliver'd Untill Your Honour gives an Order to the said Soulard to that amount. Your petitioner beeing Desireous to send his Certifi- cate of Survey to New Orleans that he may Demand a Title in forme for his Concession, prays that an order may be given to the said- Ant 0 • Soulard Ordering him to Deliver to Your petitioner his Cer- tificate of Survey with out delay and Your petitioner as in Duty Bound will Ever pray. • ?¥I. AusTIN. [Rubric] :MINE A BURTON N01J~• 12 1800


* * * [mutilated] l'autre part dont [mutilated] Dn, Antoine Soulard peut delivrer le certificat d'arpentage au demandant ayant ecri au Captu. Comdt· de St•. Genevieve D 11 • ft'· Valle par mon ofice N°· 10 en date du 19 j" ( 1) de cette annee que l'arpentage dont il est Question restro.i tel qu'il avait ete fait aviser que le gouvernemt. change cette deposition. Ch•· DelaSsus [Rubric] [Endorsed:] Order to Soulard.·


Austin Ville December 8. 1800.

DEAR UNCLE. I received your favors not long ·since and am very Sorry to hear of the Difficulties you have met with -in the progress of your bussi- 1 Thta 1B preceded by a trnnslation, ~ated St. Louis, ~ov. 2-i, of Austin's letter of Nov. 12. • • Ol'lglnal in possession of Mrs. Emmett L. Per1·,v. 25067°-24-VOL 2, PT 1-5

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