The Austin Papers, Vol. 1 Pt. 1



Your Survey be approved of, as it is, You will pay me 75 D 1 1a, when you receive Your Certificate which will make up the 225 D 111 • that you agreed to pay me, if ever Your Survay Should Stand, and I shall settle with Mr· Maddin for what he has done. But if Your Survey should not be apprved of, I should have nothing further to demand from You when You have paid up the 150 D 118 • agreed upon and in this case only },fr. Maddin's fees must be paid by you. Such you will certainly remember to have been our mutual agreement and the payment was to take place in the course of July, agreeable to Your Verbal and written promises. • • You are no doubt fully satisfied at this time that My Intentions toward you have been constantly the Same, and that nothing could make me them. Please to present my respectful devo[tions] to Mrs· Austin and believe }Ile },lost perfectly Sir ANT 8 ' SOULARD, P. S. I had Your letter to Mr. de h ... e translated by :Mr. Bellier, and it had, I believe a Good e:ffect.


• St Louis 19 th October 1800

Sm That I might Deliver to you your Certificate of Survey you have • one Step more to take which is this as the Lieut Governor has told the Commandant of Ste. Genevieve that it was necessary that the people who have any Interest in Breton's mines Should prove in writing that your Concession in the way that it was previously Surveid was irreparably hurtful to them and as no sort of repre- sentation has been made on that head and as it is probable that the mode is over It is necessary that you Should address yourself to the Lieut Governor by Drawing a petition by which you will tell him that you have Claim'd from me your Certificate of Survey and that I having answered to you that it was out of my power to Deliver it to you without a new written order from the Lieut Gov- ernor you require of him to give me Such order that having my• Certificate you might have recourse to a. lawful authority to Get a formal title of Concession as Since the Lt, Governor's Letter to Mr. Fran 11 Valle no repre- sentation has been made against the Survey of your Land I have not the least Doubt but your petition Will be Granted and [if in] Virtue of your reclamation Such order Shall be Given to me Im- mediately I will make up and Send down to you your Certificate of Survey !1-fter which you may act

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