The Austin Papers, Vol. 1 Pt. 1




St Louis :May 1 at. 1800

Sm I just this moment received your favor of the 25 th • of April and will immediately answer to it not in an official but in n more familiar way and Consequently easie;r to tell you my opinion. I should have Left this to go Down to you if l\1r Robidoux's Bateau which is to set off in about eight or ten Days did not Detain me here upon the account of some Indispensable .Business I shall Start imme- diatly after its Departure to go clown to See you. I should ex- tremely be Desirous that before that time you might inform me provided you have an opportunity whether l\1r Fr[anc]is Valle ns Commandant and others who hold an interest in the mines have agreed with you to have your Lands Survey'd in a vVay that will prevent all Difficulties which might arise if you Still would insist to have them Survey'd agreably to the plan which you have pre- sented to Government in that manner l\1y going down to the mines Should'nt have been [A third of the page is here torn away] has brought envy upon you Some would perhaps See you out of the Country Distroy the unjust Cabal risen against you Sacrifice Something to be Definitively put in possession of the Square League which has been Granted to you at the mines you are established upon it and your Situation will become every Day more interesting the l\1ore there will be people and the better you will be yourself a :french proverb Says that flys are not Caught with Vinegar Kindness with people with whom you Live if you mean to Do one Day as you please Speak to Day as they Do Speak Bad people Can nether take off from you the Superiority of your talents nor your industry Sacrifices I say it again establish yourself in a Solid manner expect every thing from your perseverance and time Unless I receive Some particular orders from the Lieut Governor I shall set off agreably to your letter just after the Departure of :Mr. robidoux's Boat--try before that to write to me whether you have made the agreements with the Gentlemen and in the Contrary [torn as on preceding page. J . . . terminate nothing. I never Doubted your Delicacy and Do think that you will act with me as I have a right to expect a word from you before my Leaving this would have saved trouble to me and to you expenses without profit and do every thing to prevent the Same Incon- venienc~ for this time

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