• STEPHEN AusTIN TO JAiirns· A.usTIN 1
Philnd• 24 th Deer 1798
Mr J.Al\IES A.usTIN DEAR Sm the Bearer is Mr Daniel 'Hall the ·young :Man who I have before informd you of who I have engaged as a Blacksmith for Twelve :Months-I believe you will find him a Very Stendy lrlan and all the Blacksmith work that is wnnted our Selves will be the first object then Let him do all other Work that offers from others thnt will pay he Can do-he is a good Edge Tool Maker Axes in Particular therefore he can always be Imployd at that when nothing els offers--ancl as old Jn° is such a Thief I would have you put him to ,v ork at the Mill and Never Let him Come in the Smith Shop at all and I think best to put young Ambrose in if he ·will promise to Attend to·Learn the Trade-and lV[r Hall in his articles has Engaged to Learn a l\ian- , • • • the other young :Man is l\1y Nephew Harry Elliot who I have took to bring up untill he is 21 year old he wants J\iluch Improvement and I will thank you to keep him at vVriting a[t] Night and at Cyphering-he will be usefull to you· and is to attend to all the Bussiness going-will thank your attention to him-·and to Live with you and Mr Hall at the Tavern I have ga,·e l\fr Hall Forty Dollar to bear his and Harry Expence which I expect will be l\1ore than • they will Spend and when they Give you the Account of their Expences l.Vfr Hall will give -you ·the Ballance-of which Please Inform me-I shall as soon as Possible Send you some :Money but as Charles has not got any Shot here to Raise :Money I am very much in '\Vant we are all Well and the family Joins in best Respects to Mrs A and Self l\fr Sanders and others· s A.usTIN. [Addressed] ~fr James Austin Austin Ville Lead l\1ines Card by Mr I-lall ·
Philada 24th Janl"J' 1799.
DEAR Srn your favor of the 14 th Inst is Just ·receivd and observe the Con- tents-I hear nothing of Frisbie he may Possibly be at the East- ward-unless I soon hear of him shall Send his Acct to have a Suit Brot by M:r Woodward-I am glad to hear that I-Iall and Harry is safe arivd-you Say nothing of the Horses-the Bay I-Iorse I-Iarry Rode as I sopose him to be old I think you had best Sell unless • Orlglnnl In possession ot .llrs, Emmett L. Perry.
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