AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. to me ns he ,v as so well recomencled as a good Workman and steady man and as strong and hearty looking young man as Ever I See-- this Induces me to believe there is some Deception and that some 0£ those :Medling Tatling Durham folks has put him out 0£ Conceit 0£ going out and to Get Quit of his Contract he has Started this Pretence but its I have him Very strong[ly] Bound £or Twelve Months I shall hold him and fathom it to the Bottom-I daly expect young Rary Elliot who was to go out in Company with him and the "'\Vaggon but ·this Bussiness 0£ Halls will retard the movement for the Present Charles informs me that ::rvrr Sa,nders has Rebuilt the Furnace to good advantage which gives me much Pleasure and that all things goes on well you-thot you had Contracted for Twelve Thousand of Beef and I hope you will be able to Procure the Same Quantity 0£ Poark and I expect you will receive a supply of Salt by the return of the '"\Vaggons which goes with Charles-Indeed Let me beg 0£ you to :)?rocure all the Bee£ and Poark you Possibly Can this fall so that we need not next Summer be so Perplexd for Pro- visions and as our exports 0£ Provisions is so much shut up, I should Conclude that you may Procure.a great Plenty of Beef and Pork in your Part of the Country this Season-I hope you have placd old Prime and Patty at the l\fill and that all our hogs in future may breed there and with go_od l\fo.negement I have no Doubt we Can Vitual our People and to prepare for this I wish you to save all the Breeding Sows you Can so as to Bring Pigs in the Spring-this is a matter of the first Consideration and which I beg your attention- I hope you have been able to get Harrison on Binghams Bottom as I should be vexd to Loose hi..Ip as a Tennant I ha,ve not heard a "'\\'ord respecting Proceedings against Frisbie as 4 :Months ago I sent you his Acknowledgd Account to Put _in suit as I found the Suit :Must be Commencd in the County where the original Dept was Contractd etc. I also sent his note of 3000 Dollars to Sam 11 l\1cCrae at Rich- mond vVith request to Commence a Suit in the Federal Court and to Send the Sheriff Directly out to "'\Yythe but of this I have not heard a Word from McCrae am Just Now · going to write him respecting it--as to Read you ~ust do the best you Can ,vith him- I beg you to ,vrite me by the retµrn of Post n.nd give me Particular information of all these things and how you go on the Particulars Respecting your Situation wants (if any) etc.-the '"\Vea.ther is now Very fine and I hope will admit of your ,v orking until Christ- mas-l\1ake D:lY best respects to l\,frs Austin in which all my family Joins, alc,o to Mr Sander and to ~{rs Jenkins and Billey etc.- S. AUSTIN
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