THE AUSTIN PAPERS. 43 I hope you will have all the Fields Sowd with Rye as I Propos 4 and ns to the Clover Seed I shall forward that but if you had it it must [not] be Sowed untill April Next this I find is the best time when it must be Rold in which will not hurt the Rye- [Addressed :] !ll"Ir James Austin Post Master Austin Ville "\Vythe Countv Virginia.
Philad 4 16 Novr 1798
Mn Jal\rns AusTIN DEAR Sm I have the pleasure to· inform you of our Safe return with my family to this City 3 days ago-after being Exild 3 months by the most distressing Calamity that has ever before Visited this City-50 Thousand of the Inhabitants were soposd to have left the City notwithstanding which upwards of 3000 persons have Died since the first of August- I have this clay recevd a Letter from Charles of the 5 th Inst which informs me of his being prepared to Set out with 3 or 4 Tons of Shot for Lynchbourgh-to be forwavded to this Place and of his Intentions of Comming to this City before·be again -visits the ~lines-he has some time informed me that from John Reads inatention to Bussiness he is Quite Discouragd with him anq. says I need not forward any more furs nor anything els to Carry on that Bussiness he says he is in Our debt-but I hope you may be able to make him pay us what he owes since after all this Troble with him that nothing is to be gaind by him it -will be ·Painfull to Suffer by him-ancl since he Can not be confided in and is not fit to be his own !\faster it is best he should return here and work und~r some :Master I am obligated here for him for !\1oney he Borrow 4 of his old Master !\fr ·Pearson -35 Dollars-- he gavE' me some Ac- counts to Collect here for him but I cant get one Dolh1.r therefore he had better Come here and Settle his own affairs since he will do no good for us- . I have been Preparing to Send out a Loaded Waggon with Sundry Goods etc and one Daniel Hall a Blacksmith who I engaged and enterd into "\Vriteings with when I was at New Haven at 180 Dollars pr year-but instead of his Coming On Agreeable to his Contract I; have this clay receivd a Letter from him informing me that in Con- sequence of a Pain in his Breast he is unable to Comply with his engagement with me and that some Doctr has told him he must no~ Jabour until he is Quit of it etc-this is a great Disnpointment
1 01•iglnal In possciislon oi Mrs. Ewmctt L. l'cl'l'y.
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