The Austin Papers, Vol. 1 Pt. 1



1798 June 16 ~o sfitt~luf~1!shJ~n~~:~:-~~_:_~~~~-~~:~-=-~~~~~~:~~~} as pr H Bates accot· never given ~n-(furnisbed r.ince 15 each______ _----------------------------------- To Hauling 2 loads to Kanawa this Spring___25£ each_ To Balance due from Houoo Board---------~--- ·_____ To Ditto of Mathew Mullens---------------------~--' To Ditto of Timothy l\follens________________________ To Balance of wm Montgomery__..,__.a.,________.:._______ To 'l3alance clue from D Green---,-:-------------~---· To Ditto of Wm Griffin Senr--------, --- _____________ , To Ditto of Wm Griffin Junr------------------~-~--- To Ditto of Jn° Stools ( ?) between 30 un<l 40 £---~--- To 1 Carriage_____________..200$ Moses Austin • • To 1 Blk Horse ___ .:_ ________ 100 Dolls To 1 Do Doctor____________ l50

s. d.]





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50 1 " 24' 1 l 2 16 ..

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Amount. 13G8 14 6 1\1 Austiu 150

1518 14 6£, in Dollars__________ _:________ .., ___ :______:_____ 5062 42 To 2 ~Jules -100 each_____________________________________ 200.0 To Wa~gon etc____________________________________________ 80 To 1 flatt Bout______________________________________ ______ 5342. 42 [Additional entries for undccipherab~~ . items . run . the bill up to $7897.78] . • [addressed:] [Moses] Austin Esqr. [Kas]KasKa on the Spanish [side of the Mi]ssissippi to the Care ... es Kaskaska. LouisVille If. . [Endorsed:] Stephen and JI Ai.1sti'n. Bill Charles Austins letter and Account of goods etc etc to Illinois ~dYentr. , .. STEPHEN, AUSTIN. TO J,\."l\fES .AUSTIN l , Ne\v Haven 12 th Sept- 1798 DEAR Sm: I wrote Charles from this Place the Post before the Last inform- ing of our arival here with Mrs Austin Nnilcy and Julian~ being ·obligd to fly from Philadll again from the fever which now rages in that .Most unfortunate City with greater :violence than it Ever has done before the City is almost wholly ·Deserted 40 Thousand of the Inhabitants are soposd to have Left i_t and the Remainder In- campd around the Cjty in Tents and Sheads l3uilt to Keep them from the '''eather Although such Number have Left the City yet the Daly Cases admitted at the City Hospital nrc 90 to 100 and the

• Original In possC'sslon o! l\Irs. Emmett L. rerry. 25067° -24-VOL 2, PT 1---4

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