The Austin Papers, Vol. 1 Pt. 1



1Ve still continue to go on but not well our l\1oney matters are very pressing and how to relieve them can't say. trust to Providence and our Good luck. The long Continuance of rain in this Country has fill'd the Mine Holes so that I am afraid that we shall not be able to raise all of ore this Summer and almost ruin'd all our Corn. Bad news respecting War which seems to be inevitable God send it may prove of advantage to your undertaking I am afraid Kenner is taken as a letter from lVly l\1ot~er 10 Days since he has not arriv'd in which case my father will nearly be ruin'd but still hope :Mrs Austin James and my father wish to be rememb'd to yourself :Mrs. A and the Children :Mrs and l\'.[ r B [ ates J and family "\V-ishg you every prosperity that a Good Country and .A.dvantagious Bussiness can aford I am withe esteem Yours CHAS AUSTIN. [Enclosure] Sept 11 To Cash pd J Bell for senices with you______________ 20 " " NovT 28 To Cash pd for 2 lb Black lend________2/7½----------- " 5 8 Dee 2 To Amount of Sundry Goods etc sent} by MessT Kendle and Bates as PT Invoice --------------- 777 19 3 1798 Jan. 12 To Cash pd P Bates expcnces with l\lrs B_______•______ " 18 3 Feb 7 14 To Cash pd expences by J Austin coming home_________ 6 " " 16 To Wm Jenkins Services____________________________ 3 10 .. 26 To R Sanders's Wnggonage__________________________ 24 12 " " To R Muse Do______________________________________ 24 14 • :J April 7 To Iron for Drying pan__________________:.;__________ 14 10! 14 To Cash pd pr Tools by R Bell_______________________ " 12 " " To Cash pd R BelL _______________ _______ ___________ _ 4 10 " " To Sundry of Companys tools furnish'd} R Bell took to Boat Yard ·------------ 6 1 6 June 2 To [sic] Shot a_____________50/---------------· 115 " " To 23 Boxes______________________2/________________ 2 6 " To 4.1.10 lb Barr Iron a___________ 4Q/ _________ ____ _ _ 8 12 1 To Cash p 4 you _______ ____ ___ __ ____________________ _ 12 " 6 To 100 wt Barr Lead___________________________:_____ 2 10 •• 7 To 84 lb Bacon for self and Waggons pd_ ______________ 3 3 •• To 30 Bushels____________________3/3_______________ 4 17 6 To Cash pd by C A at Beasons________________________ " 1 6 16 To Waggonage of 4 loads to Kannwa In our Own Waggons___5£____________________________________ 100 .. " £1118 7 6½ Illinois Adventure To Stephen and :Moses Austin Dr. 1797 [£. s. d.]

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