Por tnnto pido, y cncnrgo a los Capitanes Generales de 1\far y Tiena, Comirndnntcs, Governadores, Capitunes de Buques de Guerra, y l\forcnntcs, J usticias mayores, y demas oficiales de :Mar y tierra 6. quienes pudiere pcrtenecer no le pongan irnpedimento alguno en su viage nntes bien le den todo el auxilio que necesitare. Dndo en Philadelphia firmado de mi pufio, y sellado con el escudo de mis armas hoy dia trese de Julio de 1797. CARLOS MARTINEZ DE YnuJo [Rubric] L'nn mil Sept Cent quatre Vingt dix huit Le premier octobre est comparu pardevant nous Commendant Civil et :Militaire du porte de Ste. Genevieve, M. :Moses Austin porteur du present passeport, et qui vient E'tablir Dans ce district pour y Exploiter et 1'Ianufacture La mine de plomb dont Le gouvernement Luy a accorde La Concession Lequel a Prete a Linstnnt En Nos mains Le Serment de fidelite a S. M. C. present dont acte./. Franeo Va.lie [Rubric]
[Dec. -, 1797 -1 Above 1 I have given you as good an idea ns I can of the Situation of the Lead Mines and marked out the place I wish the furnce to stand as I was not at the place long I may have made some mistake in laying it Down however I wish to have the furnac I-Ious at the lower end of the Village that is Down the Creek at the point of the Jload that goes to the Mines. You will have the Hous of the fol- lowing Dimentions say 38 by 30 feet and 12 feet in higth. •a good strong frame a Saw mill and [undecipherable] or any other Kinds of Mill you think will be best So send Down the Creek untill you .finde a good place, the stone and Timber as also the lime for Building the Brick and Stone work John Storts Drury Green :Mathew Mullins Timothy ~Iullins and Montgomery must be sent out to the :Mines as soon as possible Shouse may stay in Kaskaskia. and help Nall git the Distillery ready- I wish a shaft Immediately Sunk and you will .finde the ground such as will require to be Timberd I expect however this you will best·Know when you see the place either you or 1\-Ir Bates will be obliged to go out to the :Mines nntill Mr. Shouse has finished the Distillery, I have given Elias Bates Orders respecting the factory but as Elias Bates will have to be much of his time nt the l\fines I do not expect much Can be Don as to the factory untill I arrive unless a Rous can be had already Built which I suppose ·ma.y
~ A rough sketch map, which 1s here omitted.
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