THE AUSTIN PAPERS. 87 that I know Not what to do- the 1500 from Mr Mourey I have hen <laly Expecting what Can be the Cause of this detention-as Mr Bradley was Sent on to Expedite this Bussiness- However from your Letter to ::Wiy Brother by 1Y1r Droap [~] I dere Say No time will be Lost in your forwarding it when it Comes to hand- I wish your Exertion in the Selling of Lead to Rn.ise lYioney ·and to Induce Pur- chesers to Come forward take of[f] the 40/ 1 pr ton which my brother had requested you to put on and if you think 20/ pr Ton will be an Inducement do it as the Lead must if Possible be Turnd into Cash as fast as it is Smelted and to do this I had rather sacrince 40/ pr Ton-this I shall submit to your discretion :My Brother and My Self have Concluded to Sell 10 of the-:Mules if you Can get 80 Dollars for them-they ought to bring 100 Dollar Each which·obtain if you Can the Plantation which my Brother has advertiz for Sale I hope you ~fay meet with purchasers for in Part if Not all- I have :Met with a young Man a I-latter who is a good workman and a steady 1Y1an who I have engag1 to Carry on the Bussiuess, at the lYiines he will Come on with my Brothers family who will Leave Town in a day or Two-you will therefore Not dispose of any of the Hatters Tools Utentials etc as M A say he left you orders to Sell them- the washing and smelting Let be Pushed On as much as Possible and the quantity of ore Raisd I expect will be sufficient to Keep the Furnace Constantly in Blast if you can but Keep ahead with the washing-which is always the Most Tedious Part of the Bussiness- I will thank you to :Make me Constantly Acquainted with all your Proceedings at the :Mines by Post as Rude Conveyances are very Uncertain- My Son Charles leave this in a few days by Land for the lYiincs by him I shall write you again Please Present My respects to the :i1r Bates ICendall Bell etc and Accept _the Same your Self s AUSTIN [Addressed:] Mr James Austin Austin .Ville Lead Mines ,vythe County Virginia
Don Carlos 1vfartinez de Yrujo, Tacon, Edee, y ·Cardenas, Cabal- lero pensionado de la Real y distinguida orden de Carlos III, del Consejo de S. M:. su, Niinistro Plenipotenciario, y Embiado Extra.ordinario cerca de los Estaclos Unidos de .America, etc, etc, etc. Por quanto he venido en conceder libre, y seguro Pasnporte a lYir. :Moses Austin que desde Philadelphia pnsa a S 11 Luis de los Ilineses con
1 Tbnt ls forty sbllllngs.
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