The Austin Papers, Vol. 1 Pt. 1


Stt,ph('n nnd l\losC's Austin thnt Moses Austin makes such arrange- nwnt o:f t.hoir Lond :Mine B11ssiness in Virginia as to leave it under, direct.inn [of] ponfidential Persons and that he proceed to the Provinco of Louisin,nne under tho Government of IGng of Spain nnd thcwo tnko up such lands Lead l\fincs etc and there make such Estnblishmcnt. of the lend Mine Bussiness as he may find for the Intrrl'st of tho Concern and to Carry it on for the joint advantage of tho s:tid Stephen nnd :Moses Austin for and untill the first dny of ,Jnnuary one thousnnd Eight hundred and it is to be under- stood thnt nll the Property granted to the said ~I Austin by the Government of Spain in his own name or any other person of his family to be considered as a joint Concern between the said Stephen and nfoscs Austin nnd at the expiration of which Period to be di- vided as well lands Lead ]\fines and all other Property wherever situnted, It is also understood that the agreement made by :Moses Austin with Francis [Valle] Esqr and others of St Genevieve is to be comprehended in this present agreement and that the said S Austin allow from the net profits arising to him on the Louisianne Bussiness Two hundred Dollars for each year for him the said :Moses Austin should the said contract with the said Francis Valle and others take Effect, [but] if it should not then the said S Austin shall allow him the said ]H Austin out of the profits in like manner fom· hundred Dollars pr Annum and it is understood that all agreements bearing date before this time is null and Void from this day forth


Philadelphia June 15 1797. vVitness present WM KENNER



Philadn 2'9 th June 1797

M1 JA~IB.S AUSTIN Sm being inform 4 by my Brother that he has appointed you Super- intendant of our Bussiness at Austin Ville- I have now to request your Perticular attention to, Sundry J\1atters of Bussiness Viz-the State of the Companys finances here are Such as demand the greatest Exertion on your Part by Every Possible :Means to Raise :Money for the Purpose of forwarding on to me to Discharge Several ~fost Pressing Demand for Cash, the Extreern Disepointment in My Brother Not b[r]inging on 4 or five thousand Dollars is Such to me 1 Original In possession ot Mrs. Emmett L. Perry.

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