WILLIA:lr SHREVE 1.·o l\'I. AusTIN
Frederick Tnwn 15 th
• June 97.
Dn. Sm, I expect you have heard from ~,[r• Jones of Kaskaskea by }\,fr. Pas- call a French Gentm from St. Geneveve destenated for Philadelphia, Agreeable to what last pascd between us respectg the Louisiany Country, I went and Exploared, untill no probability of meeting of Success in that whid1 was the object of my Journey to that Country, Returning without seeing any thing that I conceived would by any means Just[if]y an unclertakeing of the kind,-I met with every in- couragcment from the People that was within the Scope of their power, but not of Situation or :Mineral,-! agreed provided there should be such a Situation Discovered that would Justify as before, That a :Memorial might be laid in for me, and provided it Came for- ward in time, That I then would come forward as before proposed- But time Runs so long with out hearing anything from that quarter, and the Very great uncertainty of such a Discovery that I shall be obliclged to make Other Arangement, I nevertheless should be glad to hold an Interest with You in the Lead business, Provided I can do it on agreeable an[ cl] Equa]eable Turms, But should it not meet Your Interest or inclenation, for me to hold any part of the Lend, without pursuing the Iron Business, I shall decline any thing of that kind, for the reasons before stated, I should be glad to hear from You, )Vm· S1rnEVE [Rubric] [Addressed:] :Moses Austin Esqr. or Stephen Austin Jvfercht. Philadelphia [Endorsed:] June 1797 William Shreve this letter is in Answer to a Conditional contract made with said Shreve in consequence of which the business contemplated under said contract was rclinquishd M AUSTIN
This Indenture Witnesseth that Stephen and Moses Austin have this day :Mutually agreed to Publish a dissolution of all their former Partnership in the Name of Stephen Austin and C 0 and Moses Austin and C 0 also their Partnership with Thomas Ruston for the purpose of Closing all their concerns with the said Thomas Ruston and it is also agreed on by the said Stephen and Moses Austin to Carry on the Lead Mine Bussiness in Virginia under the firm of Stephen and Moses Austin and it is also further agreed by the [sa]id
• Original in possession ot Mrs. Emmett L. Perry.
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