to ~foses Austin before stated shall belong to vVilliam Shreve and C 0 .-It is also understood that Each partner shall be accountable for all losses, as well as all profits to receive in proportion to the Shears or parts he holes, and that a Division of the Profits may be call'd for, by the partners at the End of. Three, Six, and Eight Years,-The said Shreve agrees for himself to pay to sd. :Moses Austin his proportion which will be Eighty Dollars pr· anno for his personal Service [as} an Acting partner of :Moses Austin and CompY.-Now to carry into Effect the fO'regoing agreement, Its fully understood that After the said William Shreve has Examined the Ground situation and Banks of Iron ore for Building said works on, with in the forementioned Grant as well ns any other in _sd. province, and given Notice to said Moses Austin his opinion whether a Situation is Discovered that will Justify (in sd, Shreve opinion) earring into Effect said Agreement or Not, and if it should be found, that the situation of things will not Just[if]y the Execution of said Agreement, Then Each and Every part of this Agreement shall he null and void, But if a situation and sufficient Bank of Iron ore, is Discovered and obtained in said province, to Justify earring into Effect sd. Agreement~ Then in that Case, all and every part of this Agreement shall be considered Binded on each of the.Contract- ing parties, the same as if it had been on, or with in the above said Grant, Provided a Grant should be obtained for such Land, It is also understood that if any Lead ore should be found in any Land that may be Granted to said William Shreve it is to be considered the property of Moses Austin and Company To all the above said Agreement and Articles the said parties 1 do here by bind themselves their Heirs etc unto each other, and have here unto interchangeably set their hands and seals the Day and Year above ,vritten-
[Rubric] [Rubric]
[s L] [s L]
vVitness Presant )Vm, NE.ELLY
PS In case Either of the above signed should die before they arive in the province of Louisiana, this aGreement shall be nul and void any thing there in this to the Contrary notwithStanding- :JYlosEs AusTIN [Rubric] Wm. SHREVE fRubricl Test Wm. NEELLY JAMES COLEMAN Jr [Rubric] JAMES NEELLY [Rubric]
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