tinued in his senses and though his sufferings was greater then I ever saw any human being he never murmured or complained, but left this troublesome world with an assurance of never ending felicity in the kingdom of heaven where he should sooner or later meet his dear famaly to part no more,· I can say no more at present: if you re- ceive my other letters together with this hasty communication it will satisfy my d• son that his father died like a man and Christian, I have remained in this place three weeks longer that ·I intended, in the hope of seeing dear Brown I sent on ··30 dollars to . bare his Expenses-and wrote to-Mr. Vv alker to send on his account by B and he should be paid as soon as money could be raised, I expect him daly and shall attend to your wishes in regard to his studying the Spanish my page is nearly full and I wish to sn.y something to you of J B. I fear my dear Stephen ·something has been represented in a rong light to you, I never knew what the difficulty was between you till about six weeks ago he was here on business·and took your first letter out of the office and feeling anxious to know •if you had heard of his fathers death and whether you intended [to] go on to St Antone, he opened the letter, when he gave -it to me at Hazel run he appeared hurt and agitated in his feelings .when I read your letter it explained the caus, he has wrote several times and I trust when you meet everything will be explained and you will find J B is not the man his Enimys paint him to be and that. he is still worthy of your confidence nnd friendship to me he is an affectionate kind son and tender husband and father, he is greatly embarast and the times is so hard he can sell nothing for:money, you may be assured your Brother would not have been this long in K1 if he could have raised the money by selling flower or whisky at half price no money in the state, the :Missouri bank has failed and the notes dont pass The Edwardsville [bank} has stopped pament and there is nothing talked of but failures and hard· times, sickness also prevails every- where, I have wrote you this long but very incorrect-scrawl while sitting up with the sick- .I .was invited to spend a ·few days with· Mrs. W. Bates he and the two children are ill with the fever and a: niece of Mr B Anne Nash are very ill indeed E B hous is like a hospital in short every family in town has the fever more or less, if B[rown] does not come next week I shall return to· hazel run where theay enjoy perfect health if not happyness;· farewell my dearest son, may guardien angels watch and,protect·you-hy day and by night and hasten the period that will restore you to the anxious arms of your affectionate mother • • • . [Addressed:] M•· Stephen F. Austin to the care of Doct J Sibley Nachitoches Mail. twelve oclock at night
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