THE .AUSTIN PAPERS. 409 you and J ..B [James Bryan} and bringing the bank 5000 dollars in his debti he ret~rned home, ·spent and exhausted with fatigue but would tnke, ,started in fore. days for Potosi to mack a finish of business,their,, I felt greatly allarmed and did all I could to pre- vail on him to.take.advice and postpone his Journey a few days, you know .his.-determined Rll;d perservering disposi(t]ion; he had fixed the 25 of May for leaving this country and he had not a moment to loose, he laid sick :at D~ M 0 Grady several days, then finished his business and started to Bellview, laid two days very ill at Mr Ruggles, but persisted going on the to Sqr. Stepn and .finally on the seventh day after he left the mines .arrived at Hazel run 1 • -so ill he had to be helped.of the hors •this was the 2 .of June, he appeared very unwilling even .then to give up ·and the next day Commenced setling.his accounts with J ·B and thought he would be able to .ride to this place .in two days, all this time the disease was gaining fast on his sistom, the day I expected him home, an express was sent for me I [took],out Dr Benhiser [Bernhisel] with me : he is from Phila-. dp~· ~nd came highly ,recommended He said his disordor -was .. a violent Inflamation,of the lungs, he.bleed and.blistered-staid a day and night and pronounced him out.of danger, ..I watched by him day and night gave him his medicine every hour and for two days we all.thought him on the mend-my sister and a young man who was to go·:with him:had set up Thursday night his fever was higher on that,night than .it had been at fore in the morning I discovered the St .Antony fire was -all over his face and he had gn~at difficulty in breathing we sent instantly. for D~ B and I asked him if he did not wish Mc Grady sent for,·after .a considerable·exertion :to speak; he drew .me down to him ·and told me it was two late, that he was • going-that he shold not live 24 hours, . tell dear Stephen that it :is his ~ieing fathers last request ~ prosecute the enterprise he had Com- menced, that he-had set his heart two.much on it but for some ·wise purpose; god had ,prevented, his travelling .the rode he had planed out, he had opened anq. prepared.the-way for you and your brothers 1 and that he. felt .a :conviction you would be succes.sful and inde- pendant in -a. few years, he begged me not to greive-that he- was going to.make a happy exchange and that I should soon follow him, he said he,-hp.d done.all: he could for his family, he saw his errows when it :was ~wo late, ,it hnd,ever. been the first wish ·of his heart to se.e his family:,happy ·and·Independant, he had lost them .a fortune and fully expecteQ._.he ,would be permitted to mack another for them . the all wise god had in his infinite wisdom thought proper to call him from .th~ sceJ\,n of action and he submitted to his will- he con-
• The bome of bta daughtP.r, '!Ifni. .Tames Bryan. •,Tbat Is. tbr<itheriand. brother-la-law, 25067 °-24-VOL 2, PT 1--27
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