The Austin Papers, Vol. 1 Pt. 1


AMERICAN . HISTO_RI_CAL ASSOCIATION. . Toda lo q•· respectuosamt•- 1 representa . ~ y. E. ,su muy obedientc servidor_:_Estevan F Austin- Es trad~ccion lite'ral de la carta de pon ~stevari Aus_ti!l q•·. ha pre- sentado a este Govierno y por ~uyq :disposicion ha traducido , • . E~ BARON D~ BASrnOP . [R1.1:bric] N ~ta dei Trad~ctor· Los Arpanes de qu• se habln en estn Carta son d~ ¢inc~ mil sete- ciento~ secenta en uni:\ ,Legu11- pua¢l~ada 9 S~ici~ntas quara1:1.ta en una Milla. . • Es copia· d~ • 1a. Representacion_q•· p.is9 .11:' este . Gov 0 ~- D." Estevan Austin: • • •


Hercul~µeum -August the _25 [1821] . This days mail J:>rought my dear sons wellcome letters of the 13 and 14 of July which afforded me much real :sattisfactioni ,· I had. re- ceived one from you dated the 7 ult but as you had not heard of your dear Fathers death.·I pQsponed answering it till .I heard from you again, yes my dear Stephen this unexpected stroak of divine provi-. dence must have afflicte.d your.affectionate heart most sensibly, even nt this time, when more thnn two months has passed away in sadness and sorrow, I cnn .hardly realize,the,reality of the melan·choly event, to have him taken from us at a time when his prospects appeared so flattering and his expectations of future.happyness and prosperity raised to the highest pitch, · •oh what a lesson ,for those:he-has left strugel a few years longer in.this .vail of tears, ' my dear Stephen :wishes to know.:the .particulars of his . Fathers death · I wrote you soon.after it took place and sent the letter [by Mr]. Bruffy to Orleines, what he did with .the letter.I have not ·learnt,but least theay.never reatch you,·I will again give you a short· detail - 1 your- dear parent was in very bad health when he returned in march .and· was but a shadow .of his tormer self -but such, was -his anxiety to arrange all his business in this quarter, I could not prevail" on him to attend to his health and taike those·medicines necessary to -restore it as soon as he to _ride he i went to .St ,Louis,;where he was de..: tained six weeks s.etling -with .the directors-of the bank·• this -might haye been don in one, had disposed to ,do,him Justice, at length one generous and disintereste.d man, even, a -lawyer, steped forward and vollanteered his services to .your persecuted Father, he said the sale of the lead mine estate.was an Illegal one; that he would undertake to recover it ~nd not receive .one d9llar till -he.had gained it he stated this to the board of directors which brought.them to·a compromise and your Father after the greatest perplexity and delay~ at length obtained a full receipt from the Directors. exonerating

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