A port having been legally estnblished,,in the Bay oJ St 1 Ber.Qard, the settleme.nt will at . once be· s~cured in· a direct .communication with New-Orleans ·and other places,_.:fr9~ ~hich :supplies can b~ obtained.' • YOU lun 1 e already been informed that·_the· Spanish constituti"on is in full force in the internal provinces. •And Don Erasmo, the com- missioner appointed 'to conduct us to the iands, bro~1ght to Louisiana proclamations, promising security" and protectioI?- ~o all persons who have 'left ·the cou~try during former troubles, n:,nq ~ho :would not return: ' I understand o. number have already embraced th~ offer. I , , , ., • . • ., . , •Such parts· of iriy.letters as y"ou cause to be publ~shed. calculated to give "information to· the·settlers, .I hope.the new~pape~-~ in Missis- sippi, Tennessee,·Kentucky and Missouri, will reoublisl1. • Very respectfully,_•• • . °8TE,fi:_i;EN , ~- i\.us';l'lN, . P'. S. All persons who ·were.,citizens of_.Louisiana a~ any .time >rior_to i~s cession t,o the Ulllted ptat.e_s, _wiU _fi_nd gr~at facilities in obta~iiin~ gra~ts for l~nq in ,this province.
HerGulan[e]um August the ~1821
J.fY DEAR ~ON I wrote you in June, giving; you an account of your dear·Fathers death, .Since· that period my.health has been so bacl I -have·not ·been able to.:visit this place till ·about ten days ago-: , I got your Brother B to write you by the firs[t] mail that went out, also to;l')fr Walker- it tis -impossiblo for me -to-discribe the,anxiety and many· painfull felings I experience in Consequence of your detention in -Kentuckey and not,haveing.it in my power to -releive you; •I now flatter myself l have a prospect before me'of releiveing·yo'u and puting it in your power to return once more·to your unhappy mother·-· • I find from a letter I have lately.received from•my-ancient G-Mother,·that I am intitled to $100, 50 [$150]-and perhaps more, from the men that purchased the land I sold in .Jersey some-years ,ago-Emeditly, on the receipt of this information; I wrote·to-Mr--W -8--:-Carr,-requesting him to Sattisfy Mr Morton-:..nnd lwould·write on to CouzenE Sharp· to transmit the money to-,him'.- i. I have,not -received an: answer to- my letter, neither:can I-.·as I wrote yesterday; let you know whether he agrees to my proposition,,by this Mail-however you will probably know Soon after you receive this~as T :requested him to write·by the first mail to Mr Morton:, provided,he 1 thought proper to·Comply . , . . . ' '. . ,. 1 Orlgion.l in possession of Mrs. Emmett L. Perry. .•. l
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