The Austin Papers, Vol. 1 Pt. 1

THE AUSTIN PAPERS. • 33 ns Manager for which purpose there is to be a Clark kept at the Expence of said CompY. and further that the said Books must be Balanced and stock taken at the End of Three years, as also at the End of every Two years after, and further that nether party or partner shall be at liberty to draw any thing out of stock for Three years from the Commencement of said Business.-It is agreed that the above said capatal shall· be Devided. in ·six equal shears, each shear holding a voat in regulateing the General Plans of said Concern,-The S 4 • Shreve. agrees to procure the above sd. l1er- chantdize and Necessary Empliments as above for himself and Comp 1• at their Expence,-The .said Shreve agrees ,to take four of the said Shears of which he shall be at Liberty to take in one. or more partners to take one or more of his Shaers, they subjecting. themselves and having the benefit of this agreement,-The said Austin agrees for himself and Comp 1 . to take Two of the said Shears being the remainder whole shears. The said Austin and Comp 1• agrees to pay and advance unto ,villiam Shreve and CompY. Three Thousand Dollars on the arival of said Shreve with the above said Articles in the province of Louisiana, and the s 4 • Shreve agrees to pay or allow unto the said Austin five hundred Dollars as a Consideration for the part of the Grant aforesaid and for one Tenth or Shear of the Lead Mines Company o.f Louisiana, as heare after mentioned as pr. Agreement of :Moses •Austin and Comp 1 .-It is further agreed by the before mentioned 1'loses Austin for himself and Comp 1• to let the before mentioned William Shreve have one Tenth of the above said Grant, with a shear or one Tenth of all the a:Moluments arising therefrom, to him the said Shreve and his Heirs for Ever, the said Shreve to have an equal voat in pro- portion to the shear he holes, in regulateing any business that may come before said Company as pr. partnership agreement known by the name of :Moses AU:~tin and Comp 1 . in the provence of Louisi- ana,-The sd. Shreve paying one Tenth of the stock, that is one Tenth of Eight Thousand Dollars as pr. the agrement before men- tioned to be paid to the s 4 • :Moses Austin and Comp 1 . at his arivel with the property as pr· the agl'eement of 1-'loses Austin and Comp>'· of Louisiana It is further agreed by said parties that nether party shall be Interested in any other Business of a Similn.r kind, for and during the Continuance of this Partnership- It is also agreed and understood by the parties thnt if any lead ore shall be Discovered.with in the Ten Thousand Acres before men- tioned for the Use of the Iron ,v orks that it shall and is Considered the property of Moses Austin and C 0 • and also as Expresly under- stood, that all Iron ore that may or shall be discovered in the Grant

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