The Austin Papers, Vol. 1 Pt. 1




Nachitoches July 4 1821 Don Erasmo has just· furnished me ·with another Copy of- the papers relative to the grant. Col Pitts has not time to waite or I would have it correctly trans- lated- The following is a rough Translation of the order from· Ar.redondo to Martinez- 1 "The Supreme Cortes of these provinces· having ·deliberated ·on the representation made to me in your official note of the 26 ·Decem.: ber No. 111-• -I have just received their resolution with which I have conformed it is as follows- , It is expedient to grant the permission which Moses Austin solic- ited to establish himself with three hundred families in the Province of Texas, on-the conditions specified in his memorial on this subject which accompanied your official letter-provided that the following conditions be complied with- 1 st All who emigrate under this permission must be Oatholics, or agree to be so, before they remove- 2d They must take the oath of allegiance to be faithful to the King and Constitution etc 3 They must be honest, indmt1·ious farmers ·and mechanics-and the npplicnnt M Austin, will be held responsible for their good con- duct "-(This is the ·substance of Arredondos order to :Martinez) · "and you are directed to send this intelligenca·to the party inter- ested by a. confidential messenger. Dated Monterey· J an 7 17-1821 Sign 4 • JOAQUIN DE ARREDONDO " To the Govr of the Province of Texas The balance of the·paper is an order fro~ Mii.rtin~~ to Era~mo-:-. directing him to seek you and communicate this, and ·to inform you also that by an ordinance of the Kirig, and ,a_decree _of the Councii_ of the Oriental Provinces, a Port is ordered to be opened in the.Bay of St Be.rnardo • You must try 'and get Col. Pitts the benrer of this fo join~ from what !'can learn be is a very respectable man- ··1 have told him·you would inform him as to the terms • • • Your Son

, Compare the copy ot Arredondo'& order quoted tu Martinez to Austin, February 8, ~L •

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