The Austin Papers, Vol. 1 Pt. 1




Natchitoches, July 1, 1821. DEAR Sm-I am now this far on my journey to the Province of Texns, to take possession of the lands granted to my Father, Col. :Moses Austin, (formel'ly of Mine a Burton, Missouri) by the Spanish government. The land lies on the Colorado and Brassos rivers,·and includes a situation on the Bay of St. Bernard, suitable for a sea-port, at which place a port of entry is ordered to be established. This concession to my father is granted by Don Joaquin de Arredondo the governor of the Internal Provinces, and is duly confirmed by the Supreme Council of those Provinces dated 17th January, 1821, at Monterey. It contains a permission to settle three hundred families on the lands to each of whom a tract of land is to be given and to whom most liberal privileges are secured, both in regard to commercial inter- course and civil rights. The Constitution of Spain is in full operation at those provinces and recent accounts state that the beneficial effects of it are already perceptible. The gold and silver mines are getting into more extensive opera- tion than they have for many years. Money is becoming more abundant, a free trade is permitted, and the restrictive system hereto- fore pursued in regard to foreigners has been superseded by the most liberal encouragement. Don Joseph Erasmo Seguin, a Spanish gentleman from Snn Antonio was despatched by governor Martinez for the express pur- pose of informing my father of the confirmation of his grant by the governor general, and to invite back all the fugitive Spaniards -n·ho fled in the revolution of 1812, and are living at this place, most of whom, I am informed, will return to their country again. I go in company with Don Erasmo, and have a large company of American companions besides the Spaniards. Should you yet meet with any Farmers of good chnrncter or mechanics, who wish to emigrate to this fine country and participate in the advantages secured to my father by this grunt, you will oblige me by informing them that they can procure every information on this subject by writing to my father, Herculaneum, Missouri; but they must be well recommended. STEPHEN F. AUSTIN

• Arkansu Gazette, September 29, 1829. Arkansas Hlatorlcal Co111mlaslon, Little Rock.

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