The Austin Papers, Vol. 1 Pt. 1

THE 'AUSTIN PAPERS, 397 at the·still hoi.1se neither can I remember the elates stated in the ac- counts·only it was 'in 1818 . I have not Convirsd with Mr Alley 011 the·subject yet it may' be on Examination- things may occur to my mind that dose not at this time so no more on this subject my family send· their·respect to you and your lady · Wm EADS 1Ve wish to drop a. line to you·r mother. Dier·mndam we air ·very sory to·hear of the loss of your Companion it is a natural case for us to morn after a friend But we only ·come to gather for life the lord:giveth and the lord taketh a way ·we ought to Bless the name of the lord I clont •Consider your Case in life Bad you have an affectionate sone and daughter· that I 'am well satisfied will go any length to make you happy· let us look forward and be faith:ful and· we have a friend that sticketh closer than a brother· we will remem- ber you at a throan of grase and prey god to give·you sufferiing grase for suffering times·· let us looke to god for help to beare us up under all our difficulties that we have to incountcr·in this world and if we live faithfull iri. this world haveing a consiance void of offenc to god and man we shall meet to part no more whare all teers shall be wipt from your eyes and go to receive a never faiding crown of life bee faithful until·death preys your unworthy friend untiU death I hope you and M• ·Bryan will not for get to ,vright•to me· if not privit opportunity offer direct your letters to Edwardsville postoffis and I will call for them' give our compliments to M• J Au.stin and family· Mrs Moses Austin [Addressed:] To ?YI' J Bryan Hazel Run St Genevieve County of Missouri ' •

JosEPH H. H.AwK1Ns TO ifas. MARIA .AusnN .

.New Orleans June 27, ,1821

DEAR MADAM' Your son,Stephen F. Austin has been a member of my family for the last eight month~-His amiable qualities of the heart combined with his intelligence ·and acquirements will always secure him friends- . And our,intercourse has resulted in mutually warm and I trust lasting attachment. ,He had set his heart-on facilitating the views of his father in his contemplated settlement in Texns--And believing the enterprise laudable, and perhaps promising some reward to those who would toil in its prosecution, I agreed to meet the proposition

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