The Austin Papers, Vol. 1 Pt. 1



House of J nmes Brynn in the County of St. Genevieve and State afforesaid on the 10 th inst. Given under iny Hand the day and,year a.hove written ·ELIAS BATES J. ' C. 'C. State ·of Missouri County of Jefferson I Sam 1 ·woodson Clerk of the Circuit Court for the County of Jefferson aforesaid, certify that Elias Bates who Signed the above Certificate was at the time he signed the same, and is now a justice of the County Court for·the County of Jefferson aforesaid, and that due respect is due to all his Official Acts' as such. • • Given ·under my hand and Seal of Office nt·Herculaneum; County aforesaid the Sixteenth dny of June iri·the yeunjf our Lord Eighteen hundred and Twenty One- for 8AM 1 • 1V OODSON J. RA 0 NKIN D 1 Clk C. C. C 1 , w·II..LIAU EADS TO JAMES BRYAN AND Mns. MAnY ·AusTIN: Sangamo Clear Lake June 23 1 1-1821· ,Mr J BnYAN : Sir I recv 4 yours of the 16 th Instant which I was very ·sorry to hear of the Death of your father and ·illness of your mother btit happy to ~nd your family in a reasonable stait of helth we are ·an in· a good stait of helth in this section of the Country you desire to lrnow something·of our country as for my part I am well pleased with this part ns to the soil :rione to exceed it we haYe good water and timber none to exceed our Country on the North side of the' Sangamo is high dry soil handsome for farming well furnished with good mill streams this on the South side is not· thus furnished in no respect the Cuntry is low and wet on two ·much of a cl eel leavele the water is Confined in ponds in the wet season and makes bad ttivel-· ing In the spring-I think I can say as it Respects the helth of the people in this part I dont apprehend the least dangere heare more than their from the appearance of the Cuntry and people last season and this-I have nothing of grait importance only we air brought in to a Cuntry our first court in this infant part was held on the first· Monday of May so tha,t it put it out of my power to answer your.first by haveing a new County all .that was in commission•was-thrown· out,and remained untill very recently so that the business could not be dun as it.respects that business of yours and Mr Alleys . this .has been transacted so long that I Cannot be positive about the time nor number of bushels I remember hulling the·Corn and delivering it

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