The Austin Papers, Vol. 1 Pt. 1

THE AUSTIN PAPERS. 395 with him all those things distracts his mind and increases his dis- ordor he cnlled me to his bed side and with much distress an diffi- culty of speech, beged me to tell you to take his place and if god in his wisdom thought best to disappoint him in the accomplishment of his wishes and plnns formed for the benefit of his family, he prayed him to extend his goodness to you and eneable you to go on with the business in the same way he would have done hnd not sickness and oh dreadful to think of perhaps death, prevented him from accomplish- ing- this my dear son is your fathers unhappy situation, and you can better Judge of your Mother miserable feelings than she can describe them, although my mind is filled with anxiety nnd my body weied down with fatigue and distress- I will indulge the fond hope of his recovery and communicate the pleasing intelligence to my dear 8tephen by the first opportunity- I was so disireous to be with your Father when I heard of his.illness-I did not take time to write to your Brother, I inclosed his letter to you, by that you will know his situation I hope the bill he sent on will be accepted in New Orleans,1 when the poor fellow will be Liberated and once more restored to his friends who will rejoice to see him tho poQr and in a different situation from what theay was when he left them. Emily sends her moast affectionate love to you and would write if she had time though Y<?U are a letter in debt- she has three lovely boys- Austin grows very like you and is laying all parsiality aside the 10ost interesting child I ever saw- the infant is very butifull, I only wish you could see it and you would thing so two, he is called after Guy Morroson- farewell my son, heaven only knows what events may take place before I write again the book of futurity is hid from our eyes-for wise purposes and we ought to think it all for the best- may god bless and prosper my clear son in every just and Laudible undertaking is the sincere wishes of his ever affectionate but unhappy anxious Mother M AuSTIN [Addressed.] Mr Stephen F. Austin Natchitoches Attention Mr Bruffy


State of Missouri June 16 th 1821

To All whom it may concern Greeting I Elias Bates one of the Justices of the county Court in and for the county of Jefferson and State aforesaid do hereby certify that I was personally present at the decease of Moses Austin late of the Towne of Herculaneum State and County afforesaid, at the dwelling

• See Moaea Auatl.D to James E. B. Austin, Marcil 28 and AprU 8, 1821.

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