to be Null and Void Otherwise to remain in fu]l force and effect at Law. Given under our hands and Seals this 26th Day of March 1819 STEPHEN F. AusTIN. (Seal.) RonT. C. BmJFFEY. (Seal.) I do hereby certify that the within Bail bond is a true copy of the Original filed in the Clerks Office 'Witness John Jones Clerk of the Circuit Court a.t office this 4th day of June AD 1821 Independence of the U. S. 45th. DANL DUNKLIN Dpy Clk. Per JN°. JoNEs Clerk.
Hazel Run June the 8- 1821 I rote my dear Stephen by Mr Honey on the third Inst informing him of his Fathers Illness-and I now rite you by our old friend Mr Bruffey and am truly sorry that I have nothing Encouraging to communicate I found your poor Father very ill indeed, Dr. ben Hiser [Bernhisel] thought bis disQrder dangerous, it being a Violent attack of Inflamation on the brest and lungs, attended with a high fever- the Dr staid a day and night blistered and bleed most copiously and when he left us two days past I flatterd myself he was much better- but oh my son I greatly fear it was only a delusion, so apt are [we] to flatter ourselves with that which will contribute to our happyness his fever has returned this day with great violence, he breathes with much difficulty and seems in great distress boath in body and mind-in short my son I feel much allarmed about him, I sha11 send for the Dr by Mr B he is lately from Philadelphia studied with Dr Physick and is well recommended by him and the bord- his yoth and Inexperience is the only objection I have aga.inst him, but our chief dependence must be in him who is only able to save oh my god, thou has in thy great mercy heretofore sup- ported him through many dangers-tryals and difficulties of various kinds, extend thy mcrcys we beseech the and raise him once more from a bed of sickness and thy grateful servants will sing praises to thy name forever and ever- your Father had completed all his business in this quarter much more to his satisfaction than he ever expected to do-appeared to be surrounded with friends Anxious for him to go on with his enerprise in the province texes- everyone has the highest opinion of his plans and many only waiting till thny know he has made the Establishment when they mean to follow him, several young men has already gown and many now waiting to start.
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