The Austin Papers, Vol. 1 Pt. 1




Herculaneum May 22 1821


, .This letter will be handed-you by M• Coleman M• Baird-and Mr . . Young Gentlemen attached to my Enterprise and will want some. imploy .untill my Arrival , which -you will recommend them unto If you can I .wrote you ,by last l\fail that I had rec 4 letter! from Nacitoch of the confirmation of my Grant and the liberty to introduce (300) American Familic~ Thi~ came by Express from Mexico to St Antonio and 'fr9m thence to 1:-1" achitoches So that I now can go for- ward with confidence and I hope and pray you will Discharge your Doubts, as to the Enterprise and If any means can be commanded use your utmost to have every thing brought into motion and a vessell ready that no Delay take place everything Depends On expe- diti<;m I am Detained to make a finish of my business Which I hope will take place .~Il .a day or .two: ::I; ·hope you will makQ the trip to Arkensaos by the time I arrive -raise your Spirits .times are chang- .ing .a new chance presents itself nothing is now wanting but Concert f!-Ild nr~ness . . _r'a'm aff Your Father. • . MosES :AusTIN' . If provisions, can be had, say Bacn and flower they will command money in St,..Antonio-:-and that .immecleately, be on the look out and exert yourself with all your .power- M AUSTIN [Addressed:] Stephen, Fuller Austin, Esqr Joseph H. Hawkins, .Esqr.,New Orleans 'APPEARANCE BoNn: STEPHEN F. AusTIN Know .all men by these presents that we, Stephen F. Austin ns prinqiple and ~obert C. :Bruffey as Security are held and firmly bQun,d ~mto _Daniel Dunklin Sheriff of ·washington County in the penal ~um of two hundred Dollars lawful money of the UniteJ. States. .. Conditioned That if the above bound Stephen F..Austin shnll be and appear before .the Judge of our Circuit Court at a. Court held ·at .the Court .Honse in the Town of Potosi in and for.Said County on the third :Monday of _July next then and there to nnswer Robert Collet of a plea of Trespass on the Case and to his Damage Two hundred and fi~ty Pollars, ancl..if Judgment be rendered a.gainst him at tl).at or any Subsequent Term-that he will pay the Debt Dum- nges and Costs or ·Surrender himself in Execution or that the Said Robert C: Bruffey will do it for,.him th.en and in that Case this Bond 25067°-24-VOL 2, PT 1--26

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