Article of an agreement made this 24 th • day of February 1797 Between Moses Austin of the County of Wythe and State of Vir- ginia of·the one part, and ,virnam Shreve of Frederick County and State of i\1aryla:nd of the other part, - Whereas the said-Moses Austin did on the 26 th • day of January last past Obtain a grant of land from the Commandant of St. Genevi.eve in the Province of Louisiana for four Leegs Squair including the Lead and Iron ore Jvlines Water Coarses etc; To be Confurmed to him the Said Austin in Three Years from the Commencement of the Lead works, from the Commandent of the above mentioned, Provided he Execute the S 4 • Business,-And Whereas the above mentioned Austin hath Agreed this day as the Acting partner of Moses Austin and Comp 7 • Consisting of Chevaler Pierre Charles De. Hault De Lassus of New Burben, Don Frances Valle Esqr, Commandant of St, Gennevive, and John Rice Jones of Kaskaskia, for himself and CompY• to Grant Confurm and Make over, unto the S 4 • William Shreve and Comp 7 • consisting of the parties above mentioned of Ten Thousand Acres of land part of the above S 4 • Grant for the purpose of Arecting a Furnace for makeing Iron Including the Iron ore Bank water Courses seats etc to be laid off to the best advantage for the above said Business,-To be concluded and Jvianaged and Consist of a Capata! as hereinafter mention, that is to employ a Capata! of Nine Thousand Dollars, five Thousand of which Dollars is to be Delivered in :Merchandize at Louisiana at Cost and Charges, and the Balance in Necessary Emplements for the use of said work at the discression of said Shreve-It is agreed by said parties that the said Shreve shall take the management of said Business as an Acting partner, which is to go under the furm. of William Shreve and Company, for which personal service and knowledge o·f said business, the said Moses Austin for himself and Company doth agree that he the said Shreve shall have a sallary of one Thousand Dollars pr. Ycar which sum the said Company is to be Charged with, and also to find said Shreve and his family in provision etc for and during the time he Continues to Act as Manager, J;t is further agreed by Sd· Parties that this partnership is to be continued for Ten Years Conditiona~y that is at the End of three Years from the Commencement of said partnership Either party shall be at Libe~ty to sel.l his Interest in said partnership, as also at the End of s1x and Eight years,-But at the End of the before-mentioned time the Ten Years there shall be a Dividend of the bole personal and. real property, Agreeable to the parts held,-Except a further time shall then be agreed on by a lviajority of said parties,- The said Shreve agrees that he will have a Regular set o_f Book kept of the Transactions of said Business during his contmuance
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