The Austin Papers, Vol. 1 Pt. 1

THE AUSTIN PAPERS, 391 make constitute and appoint John Metcalf of the Town and county afore said my true and lawful Attorney for me, and in my name and for my own proper use under my direction and through my order and for my sole behoof and interest to ask demand, sue for, recover and receive of and from the persons indebted to me by note open account judgments or in any other way, as specified and enum- erated in the list or schedule hereinto annexed all or any parts of such sum and sums of money as the said list describes and of the persons thereon named which said list of enumerated debts is con- firmed by my books of accounts against the persons so named And for the recovery of said demands, debts and dues or any part or parts thereof which may be and are now due or may become due to have take and use all lawful ways and means in my name or other- wise and to grant acquittances and discharges for the same debts or any parts thereof and for me and in my name to make seal and deliver such discharges upon the actual receipt of the said debts so enumerated or any part or parts thereof And to do all other law- ful acts and things whatsoever concerning the premises as fully in every respect as I myself might or could do were I personally pres- ent at the doing thereof and attornies under him for the purposes aforesaid to make and again at his pleasure to revoke; ratifying and confirming and by these Presents allowing whatsoever my said at- torney shall on my name lawfully do, or cause to be done in and about the premises, by virtue of these presents In ·witness whereof I have hereunto sit my hand and seal this the ninth day of May anno Domino Eighteen hundred and Twenty One MosES AUSTIN [Rubric] Signed sealed and acknowledged before us test JonN GEIGER J BRYAN [Rubric] [Enclosure.]

Balance of Accounts Due Moses Austin- George Simpson ________________ ~-------------------------------- ,J nmes Stnples's Estate_----------------------------------------- Jobn W. Buckner------------------------------------------------ El lj ah Butler ----------------------------------------- -----_____ Jonathan l\l. Ditch, Nenr Knsknskia____________________________:__ Francis Murphy, Nenr Green's Ferry, Illinoice____________________ Thoruns Brock, on i\Iortgnge-W:ishington County________________ Wm ~1earS------------------------------------------------------ wm Ogle________________________________________________________ Mathew Adkinson, Mine 11 Bnrton________________________________ Robert Jnn1eson ________________________________________________ _

.50 67.55

1.37½ 1.94¼ 5.

73.95 858.llS 5.

1.75 7.10 3.44½

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