visions from New] Orleans to the Bay of San [Bernardo near the mouth] of the Colorado and [fur]nish [provisions for the] Voyage [and] untill the first day [of January Eighteen] Hundred and Twenty Two for the use [of every] person emigrating [with] him. [and to furnish] farming tools oxen and mules for the [said es]tab- lishment with every Article necessary [for] Executing the objects of this adventure all of which provisions and Tools shall be at the proper expence of the said Austin together with the expences [of] each emigrant from the [time] he enters [on board] the vessell at New Orleans and the said Austin [further] agrees to obtain free from all [expences six hundred] and forty acres of Land for each emigrant to be located [within] the survey of the said Austin [he to run the] lines of his survey as [may be necessary to secure the] object of the Emigrant and to prevent [mis]understanding between the parties it is [clear]ly understood that lotts shall be drawn from Number One to thirty by which Iott or number drawn Each person shall make his choice of Land the said Austin first reserving to him- self six Hundred and forty acres and for each of his family. It. is further agreed that the said Austin [shall furnish] five b[ush]ells of corn from the ... to each emigrant for his proper [maintenance which] shall be delivered at or [before the first day of] January eighteen Hundred and twenty two [when called for] and lastly [it] is clearly [understood] and agreed that on the due execution [of this agreement] each party shall be discharg'd from the [penalty )f] all clai[ms] [accru]ing out of this agree[ment] In [test]imony ;o which we the undersigned have [placed] our names and seals April 22d 1821 MosEs AusTIN (Sl) THOM.as C-- ( Sl) JAlIES [AUSTIN] (SI) [The names] herewith annexed are to be [considered as par]ties to the with[in] agreement S.nfUEL SMYTH (SI) BENJl\I. lliRwooo (Sl) JAlIES RIDGWAY (Sl) STEPHEN Coo PER ( Sl) THOMAS COOPER ( Sl) JOHN NEFF (SI) MosEB AUSTIN TO JoHN METCALF: PowER OF ATTORNEY. Know all Men by These Presents, that I Moses Austin of the Town of Herculaneum County of Jefferson and State of Missouri have made constituted and appointed and by These Presents do
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