THE AUSTIN PA.PERS. 389 :from Debt and return him home which I want very much ns he must go with me to Texas your mother is recently distressed for com- mon necessaries she is out of flour and meat make my love to Dear Emily and the little boys-· MosEs .A.usTIN [Addressed:] Mr James Bryan Hazel Run- [On a little slip attached to this letter appears] I have discover4 n :Mistake in my Bank a/c by ,vhich I bring the Bank upwards of '1\,;o Hundred Dollars in debt-
Know All :Men by these Presents [that where]as Moses Austin is about to commence [a settlement at the mouth] of the River Colo- rado nenr the bay [of San Bernardo in] the province of Texa'S. ·which said s[ettlemen]t is made under the protection of the Span[ish Gover]nment and whereas, the said Austin cont[empla]tes taking with him from twenty-five to [thirty per]sons and to commence said establishment. ' Now, that the conditions and compensations to be allo.wcd to' ench and Every person emigrating with the said Austin to _the province of Texas may be fully under[stoo]d, the following Conditi[ons are agr]eed on [be]tween the parties to this [agreement.] On the first part it is [agreed that each] and every person ma[king himself a party to this] agreement by [placing his name] and senl thereon shall [sometime during] the month of May place [himself under the] directions of the said Aus[tin and as] soon [as] a vessell is provided sh[all go on] board [the] same and proceed to the mouth of the River Colorado and on the arrival of said persons they will remain in the imploy of the said Austin untill the [first day of Jan]uary Eighteen [and twenty-two] and [they] further agree to assist [him in building] a House and inclo[sure and in building] a good stockade and block House and to cultivate and fence [a piece] of untimbered Land in Corn [each] and [gather the crop] into Corn houses. Eac.h [and every] person agrees [to] furnish himself with a. Spanish [carbi]ne for the defence of the establishment and ·to [conduc]t himself as becomes a go[od] Citizen To conduct himself as a faithfull subject towards the Spanish King nnd Constitution so long as he remains under the Government. Now in Consideration of the above services which are·to be ren- dered in good f~ith by each person [be]coming a party to this agreement it is agreed by the said [Austin on] his part that he will [fur]nish [a vessell pro]per for tcansportation of persons and [pro-
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