amount of my stock, unless they make a compromise with me, cal- culating that I would never return-they have acted quite un- guarded-which puts it in my power to over sett everything, they have done and have the estate returned again If I am, driven to this measure I must be detained some time longer and I am in a most un- pleasant situation with out a Dollar to get a shirt washed Mr. Re~d is in town and a call of stock Holders will be made this day. I shall take the liberty to place your Name to the letter which will be handed in, as a stock holder and when they meet I hope you will attend and see if something cannot be don to take the Books and papers from the present holders and stop more money going into the hands of those tha.t now hold command Remember me [to] Dear Emily and the little boys- Respectfully MosEs A UST IN [rubric] from Mr. Eads I find it will be necessary for you to visit St Louis . an_d pray bring a few dollars for my use MA [Addressed:] 1Y1r James Bryan Hazel Cottage
St Louis'Ap 1 22, 1821.
DEAR SoN I have after much delay and rufficulty obtained my account from the Bank of St Louis and after settling SF. Austin's account, Debt, and Interest also my own I am in debt to the bank (280 Dollars which is payable in three years so that after mU<;h difficulty and an ungodly sacrefice I shall clear myself and family from Debt all my other business is nearly closed and after collecting every Cent against me in this town it amounts only to about (550) Dollars which sweeps my Debt the Judgment of Butlers excepted-and I have not given up any property as yet, but I must do so as I cannot settle that Demand in any other way- Wiggins has made use of my stock say ten shares some two years })ast and had Mr Pettibone don[e] his dlity he could never have obtained a judgment. I wash my hands of that business by a Bill in chancery-which I shall file on the Morrow-after which I hope to leave St Louis. I think that you had better attend to your Debt : against" Ohara he has sold Little Rock and I believe he is placing things _in a situation to take the benefit of tho Law, a Day aught , not to be lost in settling with him. I pray make a little exertion to send in something for Brown (50) Dollars will now release him
1 Original in possession or Mrs. Emmett L. Pen'7.
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