THE AUSTIN PAPERS, 387 will find the Bay of San Bernard and the River Colorado at the mouth of which I calculate to lay of the Town of Austina, which will be in a few years equal to New Orleans in Consequence if not in wealth. God bless you _my son MosES AusnN [Addressed:] 1\1• James E. B. Austin Near Lexington Kty-Po- liteness-.M• vVoodson
S Cts To work done on your Cupilo, viz Brought over_____________________ 238. 82¼ Taking oft' and frnmlng and finishing the roof Boarding up corners of Cupilo and Kitchen 46 feet nt 25 cts pr foot________________________ 11. 50 Work done on sky-light sills________________________________________ 1. 50 l\Iaking nncl putting up 60 feet of water conductors at 25 ct.s pr ft____ 15. 00 To 3 days work done :,our winclows________________________________ 7. 50 To 3 do myself nnd 2 boys on ~-our fence__________________________ 15. 00 To mending 1 table________________________________________________ 1. 50
To 1 clay 2 boys bring-ing up your boat______________________________ To surveying 3 lots________________________________________________ To n1aking 1 t e s t e r _______________________________________________ _ To 2 days work in getting timhers nnd rnlting your lot front__________ To amount paid for suft to brin~ poles for same_____________________ To 66 feet weather boarding at 3¼ cts pr foot________________________ To 8 feet inch pine plank nl 4 cts___________________________________ To 15 feet cherry do. at 6 cts pr foot_____________________________
2.00 3.00 1.00 15. 00 .25 2.31
.32 . 00
319.60¼ Recd Mr Austins Note for the balance of this account in his note which when paid will be in full say fifty Nine Dollars·
Apl. 11 th 18f1
Herculaneum -----------------------------------------------------269.60 1.68
171. 28
St Louis Ap 1 21 1821. I am sorry to sa.y that I have not yet settled finally with the Bank I claim upwards of (21) thousand Dollars for stock and sale of my property, at the Mines, but the Honorable gentlemen are not willing to give me much over (17) thousand this I will not take. I find there conduct has been so unauthorised that I can sett a. side the sale of the mine a Burton estate and obtain a Credit for the full
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