The Austin Papers, Vol. 1 Pt. 1



an e~ertion and obtained what I asked for n right of settlement for myself and family the situation I have marked out is on the Oolorado about 3 Days sale from New Orleans or rather from the BeUse a 11wst delightful situation and on the Bay of San Be1-na1·d the Har- bour is good with 12 or 13 feet water over the Bar·r after which- 25 or 30 feet for some miles up the river with boat Navigation, 150 miles-I have asked for leave of settlement for 300 families and (200) Thousand Acres of Land to open a Port Town at the mo-zttli of the River which has been granted me by the Governor of the Province of Texas and has gone on to the Vice King for his con- _Rrmo.tion, I have been offered as many Names of respectable families as will make up the Number but untill I return I shall not admitt any as my wish is to have the lands survey'd before I introduce any families at all. I shall take with me about 30 young men to com- mence the settlement and return after your mother next year. I have now a proposition to mention to you which is this you are a Spanish si\bject born and was baptised by a Roman P-riest and are recorded as such at the church of St. Genevieve, I shall obtain a Record of this fact and if you will go with me I can get you intro- duced at the College at Monterey a large City about 500 miles south lf St Antonio at this place I shall be able to support you a year or nore and you will there learn the Spanish language which will be of more Consiquence to you than you can now conceive of and as its not likely you will be called for to join the Navy of the United States for some time you cannot be better imployed-the college at l,f ontm·- rey or Royal, Mountain has now· 400 students from every part of the Spanish provinces, by which means you will have an opportunity to visit the City of Mexico and become acquainted with the Country generally and make friends with the young men of first families in that Country. Mr Woodson who will hand you this letter can tell you much more than I can write you and what is more he has this moment offered to lend me 50 or 60 Kentucky Bank paper to pay the balance of your Expenses so that you may return home to your Dear mother and also to a father that has felt for your situ- ation but could not until now help you, when you receive the money from Mr Woodson you must give him a Receipt to be repaid Dollnr for Dollar and return him than.ks for his uncommon Kindness for without his friendship I do not know how I should have made up the money I hope you will not loose a moment after you have paid your Bills but leave Kentucky without delay. Mr Woodson can tell you o_f my prospects in the Spanish country and his opinion of your visiting Monterrey you may also obtain the opinion of M• Holly' if you please. If you examin Melishes Map of the United States you

1 Horace Holley, Pretildent ot Tr&.llsylvanla Unlversit;J.

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