THE AUSTIN PAPERS, 385 behold-overflowing with Wealth and Heal,th, in this situation I shall soon reinstate myself in property. I have already offers to fill up the families which will bring me aboi1t 18,000 dollars but of this I will write you more fully I returned from the low country by the via of Nutches in a steam boat and shall descend the river the same way.· your Dear Mother I shall leave with your sister until next year. I wish to be in.Orleans in all May next _if I can settle my business in this country-""'."which I think I can do in a few days . • Inclosed you have a draft on your Brother Stephen for 150 dol- lars payable in ninety days-this, draft will be absolutely paid and I have written Mr Walker to that Amount. I hope you may make use of it to discharge your debts I will send you 50 dollars more in Kentucky money if to be had as soon as you obtain the bill try to close your debts and return to this place i ~ish much to see you before I leave this for the Spanish Country- , Your .Brother is at New Orleans doing well and is the Editor of a Paper-I shall ·see him in May-I shall take my passage from that place round to the Colorado and commence my establishment_: If you cannot make use of the bill on your brother god knows when I shall obtain money to discharge you the draft will be abso- lutely paid that you may assure whomever you have to pay it to, as the mail is about to start for Han-ison I cannot su.y more. God bless you my son and look up for happy Days Affectionate Father ' M AUSTIN [ A ddressecl : J M• James E". B. Austiri NicholesVill Kentucky
~IoSEs AusTIN TO ·J.-·E. B. AusTIN
' St Louis Apr
8 1821
MY DEAR SoN I wrote you fr~m Herculaneu~ a. few days aftei· my return from' St Antonio and iriclosed you a Draft on your brother for 150 dol- lars at New Orleans I was in hopes to have sent you 50 Dollars of Kentucky money from this place but as yet I have not been able to obtain shall continue m:ilcing exertions until I can obtain ns much as will releave you T much wish to see you return to this cou,ntry be- fore I leave it for the Spanish province of 1'exas. I have made a visit to St Antonio and obtained liberty to settle in that oounfry...:._ • as I am, ruined, in this; I found nothing I could do would bring ba'ck my property again and to remain in a. Country where I had enjoyed welth in a state of poverty I could Not submit to I therefore made
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