encontraria una completa proteccicin e~ hli. oorto valimiento; como asi mismo una sincera amistad merecida a sus buenas p:renclas: Dicho comicionado presentara a V. U:n re 1 :Yndulto consedido a los profuxos de esta Prov- que·se ·hallan por ·ese destino, merescale a; · V Ia gracia de que se lo haga saber si puede ser a todos los qua pueda haber por hay, a fin ·de que no pierdan·la ocasion de aprovecharse de tan benefica indulgencia; y entre tanto disponga V. de la·vohmt_ad con·que lo aprecia su afm:o Seg° servr y amigo _Q S M B. [ ANTONIO MARTINEZ. J
:St. Antonio 2 nd :March 1821
}fr MosES AuSTIN . D~ Sir the bearer of this M•. Merrimendez :will advise .with you and will _do every thing that lies in his power ,to serve you and I am in hopes you will do the same with him he is a .Gentleman,of . Verasity and my God father anything that he•tells you I pledge ,my self for the performance of it I a.m d• Sir EL BARON DE BASTROP [Rubric] [Address~d:] Mr Moses Austin Esqr. Nachitoches p' Mr Beramendi [Endorsed by Stephen F. Austin:] Bastrop's letter of introduc- tion of Berrimendi to Moses Austin, when. he, Berrimendi went to meet Austin at Natchitoches in 1821.
~~rcula;neum March.2~: J821.
MY DEAR SoN . y OU may justly think that' ,YOUJ;' .. Father. }J.as .cast you .from . his protection and forgotten that he .has such; a son. liv,ing. ,but that is not the case, could I have releaved your. situation I .would have don so month[s] past-I return~d from ·st. Antonio.in the province of Texas five days since after ~nde1:going .everything but Death. For these. sufferings I have been:.;fully paid by obtaining.,a, grant •for piyself and family of land and also for 3,00 families-I shall settle ori the Colorado within (2) miles of ,the sea. and. three days sale from .the .Mississipp1a-Where .l shall. lay of a ·town :under the protection of the Spanish Government the River Colorado ·is situated in the province of Texas in latitude 2.7 N on. the Spanish •Main (3) days south of Mississippia (3) Days sale from Havana 5 from Jamaca 7 from St Domingo a spot· of country desirable to
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