after our arrival at the River St. Marks. ·when Kirkham men- tioned that the five Spaniards had made a brake on the Kings Yard of Mules and Horses and Stolen ten or twelve nnd had made there esca.p~ and would come up with us at the River Colorado at 'which place he had agreed to detain for them and had told them he would purchase there .Mules and give them a safe conduct into the United States. I at the same time learned from him that the Spaniards had communicated to some of there friends at St. Antonio before they made theft of the Mules that Kirkham and the other American was to detain for them und give them a safe conduct into the United States I Expostulated with him for giving them any encourage- ments to bring out Mules in as much as he knew it to be against the orders of the Governor. he then said that he had not given them any encouragement except, that if they brought .Mules-he would purchase, them. I again stated to him how unwise it was to have held out the least inducement to these men to commit a theft the consequences of which might turn on his own head and that I should take the earliest moment to Exonerate myself from any participa- tion in the whole matter in as much as my name had been called in question it is however Clearly to be understood that I do not charge Kirkham with having Covenants with the Spaniards for the mules or of having been guilty of any act or Crime further than may be attached to the Offers he made the Spaniards to Purchase the Mules this statement therefore is made in Exoneration of myself. What ever agreement Kirkham may have made with the Spaniards, if any, is unknown to me-and I do most solemnly declare that. vVhat ever conversation might have ta.kin place between Kirkham and the Spaniards touching the Mules they are unknown (to me) as are also the men themselves with whom I never had a conversation directly or indirectly- [MosEs AusTIN.]
Bexar 5 de Feb 0 de 1821.
gr. D. AJ,IBROSIO M•· DE ALDASORO• .Muy Sor mio y de mi singular aprecio: Por la favorecida de V. de 17 del p 0 • p 0 • quedo impuesto con la mayor satisfaccion de lo vastante adelantado, y fruto sacado del celoso empeiio de V. en su Trabajo a veneficio de esta Prov• con lo conseguido en la apertura del Puerto de La Bahia de S Bernardo, consecion de la venida de Ins 300 familias 1 From the Bexar Archives, University of Texas. Aldasoro was the representative of Texas In the Provincial Deputation, a sort of legislative council, of the Eastern Interior Provillces. For a brief sketch ot the government of the Pro~nciaa Interna.a ~ O~te, ■ee TIUJ Bouthweatern Hi"tancal Qvar terl11, XXI, 223-225,
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