The Austin Papers, Vol. 1 Pt. 1

THE AUSTIN PAPERS. 381 letter I received from Moses Austin, AgeJ?t of the families of Louisiana who s_ettle in this Province. "January 16th.-! met on the Sabine River two Citizens of Arkansas who told me that thr·ough the inter,·ention of Russia the "Cortes" have confirmed the treaty of Peace with the U. S. that, the Sabine is the boundary between the Territories of both Governments,.. that the American Congress have passed a Law punishing, ~ith a· fine of $1000, emprlsonment for one year and for- feiture of property, .any· _person wh9 shall tmde with the Indians in the Spanish Domain; that the treaty for exchange of Lands entered into with the Indians who llYed on the Tennessee River, on the East bank of the l\lisslsslppi, for other lands on the Head·waters of the Arkansas River, Interferes with a grent many families of Louisiana who have to abandon· their lands by dis- position•of.Congt·ess, at the end of ·May next. •·They might be very avalJable If they could [be] allowed to settle In the Province of Texas, however, there are also several families concerned,. who wlll neither wait, nor apply for an authorization. but will settle on their own authority. The Government ought to be on Its guard against them; they.may prove to be dangerous. •"The ·President has· sent to the Gulf two ·armed Frigates against Laffitte and other Pirates; the so called General Long Is on the Continent; near Gal~ veston; his circumstances,are rather bad., , , • "1'rustlug that my petition shall be favourably acted upon, I go to Missouri to i:,i:epat·e the emigration of my family, and others who ha""e applied to remove to the Province of Te.xas. it would be proper to auo,v these families to intro-· duce tl1eir property ·by tlie Colorado Rker, with understanding that they shall pay such duties, as the· Government niay impose; for myself I ask for permis- sion to that route some agricultural, implements and other goous, fot· which ~' offe~ ,to pay.ordinary duties.',', BARON DE BASTROP. MosEs AusTrN TO FEr.rx TmJDEAU 1 Copy ;of Declaration handed to Mon•· Trudo Spanish Agent at N achitoches- Feb>" 3 Year 21 After leaving St Antonio in Compnny with James Kirkham the following circumstances transpired, a development of which I con- sider it my duty to make to you [to] exonerate me from any blnme or reproach that might be'attached to me iii Consiquence of my be- ing in Company with J nmes Kirkham whose unguarded conduct may have drawn down disgrace on himself and indangered my Reputa- tion. J , I • • 1 ' .' • The day be.fore I left Sant Antonio Kirkham mentioned to me that five Spaniards wo·uld leave the City with us, for Nachitoches but did not sa.y that they' an intention to leave in a Clandestine manner or to comm1t a11y act in violation of the orders of the Gov- ernor or Society Nor was their intentions known to me until

• Autogrnpu copy by Moses Austin lu " Comwou Place Bo.:>k," ln O.le ot Auaust 1, 1701.

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