Charges I also promis to survey Twenty five thousand Acres on Clynch as also an entry of said Austins on New River. made by me which has been prevented for the want of money to pay the neces- sary fees making in all 145000 Ac . . 100000 for Austin Laumnn and Blanchard but in the name of Moses Austin 25 Thousand Acres for M Austin on Clynch 20 do do for do on New River
JAl\rES NEWELL [Rubric]
Test Joseph Burr
Austin Ville Novr 20 th 1795
Dr ]\fr George Lanman Accot. Currt. in Barter with ~loses Austin. 1795 March 16 To 3. Notes of Hand on Robert Morris and John Nich-
olson Amounting in all to $7363 50/lOQ____________ 2761 6 a To balance due George Lauman_____________________ 171 11 7½ £2932 17 10}
March 20 By Sundry Goods as p• Inrnic:e_____________________ 171 10 3 24 By Ditto_____d0_________d0------------------------- 4::i3 l9 -1 July 23 By Ditto_____ an deliv'd John D. BlancharcL__________ 16G4 15 9 Novm• 28 By Ditto_____d 0 deliv'd Ditto__________________ 632 12 6; £2932 17 10} It is to be observed that agreeable to the above statement a balanl?e is due George Lauman which balance he supposes he has a claim on us as taken up by our agent which I admit. But if a Six l\!Ionths Credit is allowed on this balance it will be found not to be due untill the 28 May so that it cannot operate against any demand I have on the Land business. It ought also to be remember'd that my Drafts was protested in October and that at that time George Lau- man was in my Debt £481 ,, 11 as the last of the above goods say £652.12.6,½ was not deliver'd witill November the 28 th Nor was ~Ir Lauman under any obligation to deliver any l\'Iore goods than the Sum due me nor did I wish him to do so. I cannot see why Mr Lau- man may not as well demand a Credit for the £453.19.4 as for £171.10.3 as that amount of goods was taken up by myself four days after the £171.10.3 neither of which I conceive have any thing to do with the land contract, Nor can my being in debt to Ge.orge Lauman or Lauma.n and West be consider'd as a violation of my Contract with Blanchard and Lauman for Lands. I also wish to remind the Gentlemen who are to give an opinion on this business that Mr Lauman has agreed to make a discount on the above goods
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