1794 Octr 27 6.3.10 lead 10 mule bnrrs____________________________ ---- 29 20.1.19 lead by Foster___________________________________ Novr 8 8.3.12 lead 12 mule barrs pr Mules________________________ 20 8.2.10 lead 12 D 0 p r M u l e s ______________________________ _ 25 Cash p 4 in part Carriag_________________________________ 18.0.8 lead 13 piggs sent to Richmond by Waggon__________ Deer 15 9.2.3 lend by Eaton_____________________________________ 1795 Jan" 22 13.0.0 shot--------------------------------------------- . 6.1.17 b a r r l o a d ________________________________________ _ 26 pd j Eaton bawling load to Lynchburg_____________________ March 14 17.3.1 load sent Richmon________________________________ May 2 pd I Barnet Cnrriag Amt________________________________ 11 14.1.9 lead 22 barrs pr Mules____________________________
1 17.1.20 lead pr Mules________________________________ ____ 8 26.0.0 by Pope and Walters to Lynchburg say 20 pigg______ 14 6.2.3 pr Mules _________________________________________ _ 18 13.3.8 sent by own waggons------------------------------ 21 13.0.14 lead pr Mules____________________________________ 29 12.3.3 20 mule barrs____________________________________ Amt Brot over 10 8.0.0 sent by Mules_____________________________________ 29 pd Pope and Walter bawling to Lynchburgh____________
August 17 14.1.14 lend 30 M u l e b a r r s ______________________________ _ Sept 2 9.2.11 lead pr Mules____________________________________ Octr 24 13.3.1 sent by Mules____________________________________ Novr 11 20.0.0 shot 6 Boxes sent by Rossingbom___________________ [Endorsd :] Memorandum lvl Austin & Co A/c
JAMES NEWELL TO :M. AUSTIN These nre to Certify tha.t I was employed by ~loses Austin in the month of May last to survey and locate One Hundred Thousand Acres of Land for which I recd four Hundred Dollars and that had the money for the balence of the warrents and for other expences come forward in Due time the said quantity of One Hundred Thou- sand Acres would have been Now ready for to return in to the Office at Richmond as well as the two other Surveys made for said Austin in Wythe County J ~MES NEWELL. Austin Ville Novr 20 th 1795
Recd from lvloses Austin four Hundred Dollars in full for n loca- tion of land in the Counties of Wythe and Russell of One Hundred Thousand Acres which said land I promis to have Surveyed and re- turned as soon as Possible the said Austin furnishing money to pay all the cxpences attending the same such as surveyors fees and other 250G7o-24--VOL 2, P'l' 1--3
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