fact I have it in my power to make them pay more etc. I only wish justice to take place. you will without doubt have all the business settled, to your satisfaction, before you instruct me to enter or return the survey to the Land office. I shall expect you to give me full in- structions how to proceed Shott is in great demand and I really want money for Sundry purposes for the benefit of the company. Shffs Demands are the principal THOM NORVELL My respects to :Mrs Austen
[In ~1:. Austin's hand.] :Moses Austin and C 0 _Dr. to Sundries 1794
Cash p 4 tan B Bottom____r ------,------------------------- May 5 10. 1. 15 Lead..__________ .-------. ______________________ 9.0.0 shot____· ----------------------------------------- 30 48.3.6 lead sent Lyncbburgb 3 waggons___________________ June 12 25.2.20 lead 34 barrs by Mules___:.__;__________.:..__________ _ 20 for 15 bacon pd in part for -carriag lead__________.:.________ 26.3.3 lead 19 pigg______________________________________ Cash pd in part carriage ·1ea(L_____________•______________ 50 lb lead pd in part Carriage_____________: ___•_____•______ _ July 15 39.2.15 Lead____:___·---~--..:____.:,_~·---------------~-------- 16 12.0.17 lead 9 piggs ___________________________________ _ · Cash for Carriage_______________________________________ 12.2.10 lb lend 20 mule barrs-------.---------------------- August 2 13.2.26 lead---~-------..:--------------------------------- 7 15.2.0 shot sent Ricb.moud_________.______.: ___·__:___________ 2.2.0 barr lead________.__.:.___;_.,_____:___________________ _ 10 lb pd in part Carringe----------~~-------~------------ 11 13.1.4 lead_____________________________________________ 14 pd in part Carrlnge lead----:----------------------------- 16 3.0.0 lead 2 piggs____,_________.:.. ----------------~------- 27 11.2.23 lend 16 mule barrs pr Mules______:__•______________ 29 19.2.2 lead 14 piggs sent by Wag!' to Lynchburgh______~_: _ Cash p 4 in part Ca.rriage-------------------------=------- Sept 3 9.0.6 lead 12 mule barrs pr Mules------------:------------- Sept 3 15.0.0 lead and shot_____________________________________ pd in part Carriage------------~------------------------ 13.0.0 shot in 2 boxes_} • • • 11 d • . by Davts________________________ 7.0.0 sma -~----· . Sept 12 14.3 15 lead 20 mule _barrs pr ·Mules______________________ 22 7.1.13 lead..__________________ .---------------------- 24 12.1.14 D 0 16 mule barrs p' Mules__________~_.:___________._ • ()ctr 4 20.0.0 shot__________• ---' • ;------- .------------------- 19.3.6 lead------·-·-------------------·----------·----- 11 13.0.13 Iead-10 mule barrs-----------:-------------------- 17 5.0.0 shot-------------- .--------.- , ._---. ---. ----------- 21 18.0.24 lead p' waggon___________________________________ . • ,t , . ' Cash in part Carriage___________________________________
60/ 25/
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