The Austin Papers, Vol. 1 Pt. 1

THE AUSTIN PAPERS. 21 any civilities you may show I shall consider as done to myself. you will find him a man of information, and I doubt not you will derive pleasure :from his acquaintance. Now that I am writing to you, I beg leave to inform you, that I have not yet recd the Office receipt for the return of the 20,000 Acr~ which you engaged to make in my name, as soon as you returned to the mines. this it will be necessary for me to have, before, I settle with :Mr Blanchard, who you know is your guarantee; for his sake therefore you ought to be as expeditious in this business as pos- sible Mr Norwell can forward it to me, ·by your direction. Neither have I recd the annual account of the Lead l\1ines.which you prom- ised me from yr humble Servt Tno• RusTON [To ~foses Austin~]

Too:rtrAS • RusTON ro· :M:osES .AuSTIN Philad 11

• l\1ay 11

th. 1795

Sm I wrote you a few days ago .by :Mr Judd, a Gentleman of New England who is going to Virginia, and intends visiting the Lead :Mines in order to take a view of .that part of the country. if he should arrive there I shall be glad you will shew him any civility m your power. I have since received a letter from l\fr Stephen .Austin, wherein he mentions that he was in treaty with a Gentleman for the dis- posal of a part of the lead l\1ines, who will be able to bring out two or three Hundred :Men, bred to the Mining Business and is very de- sirous that I will send him acct1.rate plans of the lands I have taken up in the neighbourhood of the :Mines, as he thinks it will operate as a considrable inducement to the men to come out when they find that there is plenty of land for them to settle upon, near at hand, I mentioned in my letter by :Mr Judd that I had not yet received the office Receipt for the 20,000 .Acres.which y·ou. was to return for me as soon as you got to the Mines, nor have I recd the annual acct. it will also be necessary for me to have the plots .of the prior surveys in order to enable me to compleat the plan which I intend sending to Mr Stephen .Austin. it is of great importance to forward these to him as speedily as possible ·in order that he may be able to make the proper use of them before he leaves England. He desires me to write to you on this subject, and to press the business forward in order that the patents may be obtained as speedily as possible. • • THo• RusToN [Addressed:] Mr. Moses .Austin ·Lead 1'1ines ,vythe County Vir- grnia.

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