nn oath thnt I am indebted to him $6514 52 which is the whole amount of u.11 the money which has come into my hands on all the Ln.nd busine~ tho.t I have don ·for Blanchard and Lauman and to prove that he has taken an oath not founded in Truth t 0 Injur me n,nd to hold me to Baile to prove this Business I wish Blanchard to be asked the following questfoms ·in Presence of some man that cnn witness the same has not all the money stated. to have been recd. been accounted for Excep the money advanced on the :Memo- rnndmn No 3 for the takeing up of Land for the Joint acct. of Blanchard Lnuman and Stephen and M Austin, have not you recd. the 120 thousend acres sold you under Contract 16 :March and are not you and Lanman accountable for the expence on the said 120 thousend acres is not all the money paid 1V[ Austin for lands Survy'd for your self and Geo Lauman included in the General acct furnish'd you and have you any demand except for the money on the last 100 thousend out of which you are to have 33} thousend Acres and Lauman 33} thousand acres when these Lands are re- turned have you any Clame on :M Austin for any thing more and Is M Austin oblig'd to return the Land unless he hes money in his hands to pay the Expences. [Endorsed:] }illemoranduni of Land Business with Blanchard and Lauman Deliver d Mr Stephen Austin Dr John D Blanchard in a/c with :Moses Austin 1795 To Sundry goods put into your hands which you have not Ac- counted .for_______ •______. ---· --------------------------- 2020 To 43 tbousend Acres .Land warrents @ 20 Doll________________ SG0 To Expence of Surveying 43 thousend acres____________________ 112. 50 To Regester fee on 43 thousend________________________________ 89. 50 . . . . 3067.0 To Cash allow James Newell as stated in N° 3_______________ 400 $3482 c· By Amount Cash paid me to take up 100 000 acres o! Lana______ $2888 Balence Due M A__________________________________________ 594
[Endorsed:] :Memorandum a/c furnished S. -~ustin
TnouAs RusTON TO :MosEs Aus'l'IN
Philada ~lay 6 th
• 1795
Sm .. The barer, ~Ir Judd, is 'a Gentleman of New England, who is about to set out on a tour·~<>. Virginia, to see the country, and has some thought of going as far as.the Lead Mines. if he should reach so far, I beg leave to recommend him to your particular notice, and .
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