The Austin Papers, Vol. 1 Pt. 1



Dolls C To Blnnchard and Lnuman tor expence ot 1/2________________ 658 98 To Jos Burr________________________________________________ 658 98

870 33 To Moses Austin his expence.._______________________________ 447. 63

1317.96 I have Drawn n Draft on John D. Blanchard for One thousand Dollars which will make Moses Austin Chargable with One Hun- dred and Twenty Nine Dollars and 67 Cents MA [Nos. 2, 3.] Memorandum of Expence attending the Locating Surveying and Registering a Survey of One Hundred Thousand Acres of Land Taken up by Moses Austin under Contract of :March 16 1795 be- tween George Lnumnn John D Blanchard and :Moses Austin Contract N° 2 100 000 Acres of Land wnrrnnts 20 dollars____________________________ 2000 Cash pnid James NewelL____________________________________________ 400 Surveyors fee on 100 000 Acres_______________________________________ 250 Registers fee on 100 000 do__________________________________________ 208 Cha.In Carriers_____ .------------------------------------------------ 30 $2888 ifomorial of Expence on 68 000 Acres of Land Sold John D Blanchard and Geo as pr Contract 16 1Yiarch 1795 Contract N° 1- Surveyer tee on the first 400 Acres_________________________________ 5. 25 For his fee on Balence 67.600_______________________________________ 169 Register fee on 68 ()()()________·_____________________________________ 139 4•1 Chain Carriers marks etc__________________________________________ 4. 25

$317 94

[Endorsed] }ifamorandum of Land N° 2 and 3. [No. 4] John D Blanchard and Geo Lauman To Moses Austin Dr 1795 To 120 thousend Acres of Land warrents on Lands sold you under Contract of March 16. 1795-not included in the G acct_______ To Sundry E:,...-pence as stated in our General Acct furnished you_ To Expence on 52 thousend not inCluded in the General Acct____


317.94 231. 56


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